Sunday, June 25, 2006

wahaha.. Today i went out to have good food again, guess this is the my third time of stepping inside a restuarant for dinner. OMG!! Expenses is going higher and higher. I went out ard 4 plus with mummy to meet auntie and of cos they will ask me to eat something before i go meet my colleagues they all for dinner. I followed wat they said and i landed myself late when i went to orchard to meet them. As usual run thru and cut thru human walls to meet them at orchard mrt station. Guess one day i must find my buddies come out, so long never see theme le. My gd friend been sms me daily due to world cup 2006, she even offered to pick me up from work and meet up for dinner. Guess she did had a gd life, just like wat she said, you might be together long with someone but it can't gurantee anything cos anything will happen. She had been with her bf for 7 or more than 7 years. I met my korkor thru her also.

erm.... stopped all my past... let me tell u wat is nice.. wahahaa.. :P We actually had reservation at seoul garden but we changed to sanur at level 4 due to a lot of pple falling sick or sort of still on the way to recover.

1) prawn crackers

2) tahu-gole (egg tofu -- > bagus)

3) grilled squid (bagus)

4) ah-cha fish
5) chicken
6) kang kong
7) 2 jugs of lime juice
8) 10 plates of rice

Total bill : ard $200
(**did not take these pics myself, grab it online**)
Food : Overall was not bad, i planning to bring my parents to try it out one day.

hehe.. guess the pple waiting outside must be cursing, can u all hurry up stop taking pics. as this might be the last team outing cos both my bosses had roll off, this is a treat for them by us.. but in return, they treated us to ktv.

8.30pm - Party World at Orchard

Few songs that we had sang for the nite..
1) She Bangs
2) Beauty and the Beast
3) Zhui
4) My Heart will go on
5) Reflection
6) Macoroni
7) MaMamia
8) old macdonald had a farm

hehee.. is fun.. :P bcos all the above songs i quote out were like we had never sang them or heard them long long time ago.. lol.. :P After that my current boss sent me and my ex-boss home. Therefore he helps me to save my cabfare

**Rememeber to check your receipt carefully when u are using your credit/debit card to make payment. They had actually overcharged us by $200 for tips but luckily my boss saw it beforehand and never sign on the receipt.

Total bill : ard $217
Total pax : 11 (mixture of nationality, hehe.. :P we live in harmony.. )

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