Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I am very tired.. help help

sigh~~~~ ever since last week.. i had been looking damn shag and tired.. wat happened sia..

Last Week..

Monday.. i went to eat fish & co with my colleague.. She is rolling off on friday, going back to her previous project. She encouraged me to go further studies and look for a better job.. hehee.. :P She treated me fish & co..

Tuesday.. we went to magic wok at novena square for lunch.. and i left office at 2am.. -_-''''

Wednesday.. damn tired... We took cab tho and fro to somewhere but i did not pay the cab fare. My colleague said he paid.. Erm.. Seems like pple nowadays are getting more and more generous? We went to a place called gurada? Going to indonesdia for lunch? hahaa.. no lah.. just a place near heeren. The food there is so-so as compare to rice table. I still prefer rice table.

Thursday.. i went to orchard for lunch again but this time round we went to wisma food court.. Hehehee..finally tried the royce champagne chocolate which i like.. woww... delicious sia.. This time round.. i left office ard 11pm.. omg.. -_-''''''' They asking me whether i want to join them to tioman trip on good friday.. Erm.. should i go?

Friday.. i went out dinner with my colleagues.. one of them left the company, one of them promoted (i dunno him at all, only met him in the office), one of them taking long holidays and one of them birthday.. we went to clarke quay. actually planning to have riverside Indonesian food but the queue was too long furthermore we reached ard 9 plus.. No choice, we ended up @Central for Manhattan.. They ordered 3 giant seafood platter.. It is treat from them.. heheeee... :P but seriously after dinner, i already want to knock out le..

Saturday, i went KTV in the morning.. omg.. i really very tired and whole body is aching yet i got to wake up at 10am for ktv session.. @!@#@#!$@#@#!#@ No choice.. i am late for it AGAIN.. After ktv session, we went to vivocity for shopping spree.. At nite when i reached home, an auntie who knows us for more than 20 years had passed away.. -_-'' life is so fragile..

Sunday, woke up at 1pm yet i am still feeling super tired.. In the end, i still need to monitor the jobs that are running the server for the day.. Omg.. The operator called me ard 1 plus but i did not picked up. Ended up, he msg me informing your job is successful, u want to run the next job.. -_-''' whole day is like telephone operator.. when the phone starts to ring, i will be start wondering who is it? hai~~~~ but who cares.. i still went out for dinner at orchard... When to Ding tai Feng for bao and went coffeeclub for tea.. alamak.. i think i am leading an extravagant life sia.. must save up arh~~~~ after july, no more cafes for me.. Had a chatted with korkor till 2 plus reaching 3, while i am still monitoring my job..
@#@@#@!#@@#!# talked to ex-jiefu till 5.. while i still monitoring my job.. @!@!#!@@#@!!@##!@@# ended up i reached office 10am... which is like less than 3 hours of sleep..

Monday.. like a dead corpse walking on the street sia.. i am damn tired.. hoping that the weekend will come asap.. Today someone treats me lunch again.. Pizzahut.. Erm.. What is happening.. Why are they treating me? Hai~~ too late.. Missed a chance of going to tioman but i am still finding a way to escape from sg asap..

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