Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Just another week..

Erm.. Last week sort of a disaster which makes me think that April is not the month for me.

I think i met up with my friends on wednesday for dinner and movie. We went to watch 23 . The movie was ok lah.. just that that freak just crazy about 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23

1-2-2 = 23
18-5 = 23 etc....

friday, i went to steamboat buffet at suntec.. hahaa.. a treat from my colleague since is her birthday coming soon.. but hai~~ wat to get for her?? I went to watch 200 pounds beauty. during the show, i was wondering.. luckily i never did tat anyone in my life yet. will i regret if one day i am going to lie down for surgery or will i be happier? hahaa.. but i can't deny maybe one day i will go for it.. at least i won't be as heartbroken as the lady in the show but indeed my tears still drop in the end of the show. but sadly i had to said i only watch half of the movie even though i bought the tickets for the show. cos we kept thinking is 1.45 show.. but it is 12.15.. sigh~~~ guess maybe i got hearing problem.. when i asked chou ren to check for me.. and maybe i heard it wrongly when he told me on the phone.. sigh~~~~~~

i reached home is already 3 plus in the morning.. ended up just nice i did not went to sentosa with my buddies.. hahaaa.. it seems like i am avoiding all kinds of gathering? am i doing tat? erm.. i actually also dunno... wake up ard 12 plus ba.. but was damn tired.. met a 2 of my buddies and 1 primary school friend on sat for dinner and pool session and supper.. hahaaaa... ended up, one of my buddies left his ic.. hahaaa.. i dunno whether is he blur or i blur.. luckily he managed to get back.. otherwise he sure barked me till deaf sia..

After he left, 3 of us went for supper.. hahaa.. from parkway walked till hongkong cafe.. from hongkong cafe walked to the prata shop at katong.. hahaaa.. ended up.. i did had something for dinner. after tat we still need to walk home.. i think i am touring somewhere near my house.. hahaa.. my buddy said.. "aiyah.. next time u want supper tell us lah, we accompany u lah.. " hahahaaaa.. we shall see how sia..

monday.. damn sick.. damn.. backache came back again which is something which i had it the most.. something that kept bothering me for the past years ever since secondary school.. once in a while.. it will came back.. and sometimes it will hurt me damn bad that i feel like collapsing..

Mum : "Luckily u never go to work"
me : "Nvm.. at most i only faint during work and send to hospital again.. Then u go tan tock seng to visit me only lor.. "
Mum : *faint*

hahaaha.. i remembered that whenever i had a bad backache, i will call u whenever u are ard with me.. maybe from that moment i had dependent on you. which makes me feel so hurt when u i no longer heard any news from you.. seriously whether till now i had forgotten about this person did exist in my life before or not.. it is just a past that can never occur again. even it occur again, u will not be the one neither i am the one. both of us leading in a totally different world.

jiefu.. msg me ytd.. hahaa.. i told him i almost faint. cos he told me.. if he really died in the train.. i must take care wor.. hahaaa.. guess i am tat weak that always need his protection... hahahaa.. i told him i will no longer think of him and remembered him.. i hate him cos he is a coward who dare not face the truth..

hahaa... guess i am also.. who always dun want to believe the truth.. haha..
seriously.. jiefu is not the first one who asked me to take care wor.. if he really passed away.. hahaa.. seems like everyone had a bigger parcel than me..

my work.. seems to be much more stablize.. no longer big issues.. just that i always got task in hand never completed.. sian~~~

i missed the days where i dun need to think abt anything.. just have to enjoy my life.. i always tell my friend.. i want to get drunk.. maybe to me, i think that drunk i can forget all my sorrows.. hahahaahaaa.. is that called life? hahaaa.. when can i get drunk.. hahaahahahaha... nowadays old le.. cannot drink so much le..

my leave coming soon.. will be away from singapore for a short period of time.. is time to clear my mind again.. once in a while i need this break , to recover wat i hide behind myself.. wahahaaaa..

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