Wednesday, May 23, 2007

28 weeks later..

Hahaa.. Ytd, i met up my buddies.. Actually wanted to discuss abt the hongkong trip but ended we went to watch movie.. hahaa.. standard sia..

We went to watch 28 weeks later.. hahaa.. disgusting.. yucks~~~ sickening man.. think pple ard me ard sickening.. always watch this kind of show.. hahaa.. :P but i still think tat dunno wat eyes 2... is the worst movie i ever watched.. almost want to puke out after watching the movie.. I am late reaching 2 hours.. hahaa.. didi almost want to kill me.. but being very gentleman.. i am still surviving.. hahaa... explain to them wat happened.. Recently got some urgent issues tat my colleague is handling.. boss wants me to learn from her, then next time when she is no longer in the team, i know how to do recovery.. which is u know wat meaning? they are letting her to change team.. and i need to take over all her stuffs~~~~ i going to faint le.. without her.. i might be still stuck in the deep pile of shit.. therefore no choice.. i helped her a bit.. before meeting them.. hai~~ my boss worst boss sia~~~ when got something happened which will disgrace her.. then she just ignore you.. and let u know solve on your own.. while she keep gives u work to do.. erm.. is this kind of boss good? or ............ hai~~~~~

As my leave for july had approved already.. but whether can go hk or not.. erm.. this might a question.. hai~~ i might nt be able to go.. unless banana also going ba.. cos.. mum disallowed.. if i am going with a grp of guys.. and no more girls going.. sad~~~ sob sob.... still tot of buying tickets next week.. hai~~ now can save it le..
hahaa.. niao niao planning to go on 10th of June also haven buy tickets.. guess i am much more safe.. cos mine is in July.. not peak period.. hai~~~ if cannot go.. then go m'sia again lor.. go find dear dear hor.. hahaa... (u wait long long.. :P)

had a short chat with dear last nite.. hai~~ now.. panda le.. sob sob.. :(

erm.. ytd on my way hm, almost kana knocked down by a car when i am crossing pedestrian.. damn.. at pedestrian still kana "beep beeep".. singaporean super polite nowadays... pedestrian also will kana "beeep beeep".. hai~~~~ worst than other countries.. other countries dun "beep beep" as much as we do..


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