Tuesday, May 08, 2007

life been good ( or i trying to lie to myself?)

Last Monday, i went MOS with my buddies.. Haha.. in the end, i run out.. wahahaa.. maybe i really dun use to go clubbing with me.. hahaha.. or i did not drink enuff to cover my shyness or ??? Ended up i walked along the stretch of clarke quay.. definitely on my mind, i am thinking a lot of stuffs... i suddenly sms jil.. i also forget wat i asked him le.. something unhappy?? maybe..

while i sitting along at the bungee jump, someone talked to me.. haha.. he asked me whether am i waiting for friends.. i said yes.. faster trying to run back to find my buddies.. hahaa... aiya.. they never found anyone.. hai~~

Clarke Quay

Labour day... i went vivo with da jie and niao ying... we went to hongkong kim gary for makan.. actually wanted to try mexican shots at iguana but ended did not.. cos everyone was too tired.. then was postpone to wednesday.. to go st james.. hahaa.. chiongster??

HongKong Kim Gary

HongKong Kim Gary

HongKong Kim Gary

HongKong Kim Gary

last wednesday..Ladies Night~~~~~ Suppose to go St james but i need to monitor my jobs.. hai~~~ after seeing the job running smoothly.. i went out ard 10plus to cosy bay.. It had been a long long time that i ever been to cosy bay.. Just some memories floating in my mind again.. but this time round is memories of my primary school friends... four of us use to be very close but now....

cosy bay

cosy bay

cosy bay

Thursday... mum fall sick... hai~~~ she went to see doctor.. somewhere of her body got lumps... the doctor was like telling her.. if it does not receovered within a few days.. she might need to go hospital to undergo surgery cos the speed of the lump is growing rapidly. hai~~ but i worked OT tat day.. did not went to see doctor with her..

Friday.. Met ah ying and ah soh for dinner and short shopping spree at bugis... hahah...

Satursday... Suppose to meet up my friends at st james.. erm .. punching card every week.. Hahaha.. no lah.. just go there for fun and de-stress.. but did not go.. stayed at hm to look after mum..

sunday.. went out to watch spiderman with my buddies.. hai~~ guess maybe cannot go hk with them le.. cos one of them said too ex.. he wants to save money for his driving license.. hai~~ then the other one confirm dun want to go de lor.. hai~~ still said until so good.. we sure accompany u go de.. hump!!!!! :( ended up all my fly aeroplane... sob sob.. dun talk to them le..

guess two wks ago.. i went st james with my gd friend.. hahaa.. she bring her friend along also.. haha.. we two drink like siao~~ i think i drink 4 tequlia shots, 2 vodka, 1 jim bean.. hahaa.. not really drunk.. but when her friend was sending me back home.. i feel the pain inside my heart.. so painful.. tat i trying to escape from it.. imagine.. 5am.. i sms nanny out for supper... hahaa.. he dun even want to reply me..

i went to try new asia bar.. hahahaa... i finally been to the top floor of swissotel.. hahaha.. shiok..exciting moment.. took a lot of pics.. we did something very crazy.. hahaa.. imagine i laugh all the way from 71st storey to 1st floor, where all the pple inside the lift.. wondering why am i so high~~ wat thing makes me laugh until stomache.. kekeke.. secret.. :P

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