Monday, May 21, 2007

siao cha bor


Within two weeks, i watched three movies.. erm.. a bit crazy.. .

1) Spiderman 3 --> with my buddies..
2) Blades of Glory --> actually wanted to join da jie but tat day picked up call too late le.. ended up i went to watch with my colleagues..
3) Next --> with ah soh

Within these two weeks.. think i did a lot of things.. .

last week, i went to st james with niao ying, da jie and da jie's boss plus colleagues.. wow.. tat day drink until a bit high~~~ but niao ying knocked out.. hahaa.. looked after for a while.. while i sitting alone talking to dear on phone.. hahaa.. guess dear very poor thing.. although he is not around with me.. he still had to keep me accompanied thru phone.. hahaa.. how long will our relationship last?? or there isn't any relationship between us.. everytime i went clubbing.. dear sometimes will wait for me to reach home.. and he will call me..

last weekend, i went bbq with cousins... celebrating.. my bian jie fu, my cousin's friends birthday... wow.. the food there is awesome.. we have sashimi, salmon sticks, satay, cheesecake, salad, garlic bread, mushroom & tomato for bbq, bacon with golden mushroom or asparages and etc........

then followed by the next day, i went genting with mummy.. hahahaa... happening right... three days in a row.. makes me damn tired.. when we reached there, i throw my luggage in the hotel room and we go out le.. haha... where we go??? go makan first.. cos both of us did not had our breadfast... then headed to jackpot for a while.. back to room... zZZzzzzZZZZzzzzzZZZ guess ard 8 plus.. we went out for dinner again... .

second day, i am down to KL.. hahaa.. Dear know that i am going genting but he does not know when i will be going.. hahaa.... took a cab cost ard $45RM down to KL.. On the way, dear called me up.. haha.. wanted to meet me up.. but i am with mum.. guess maybe not... i almost become a begger in KL, hahaa... maybe luckily he is there at home.. helping me to check where can i withdraw money.. haha.. otherwise.. he had to come down and helped me settle down all the bills.. seriously mum a bit afarid that we do not have enough money to go back to genting.. after her haircut, i went to withdraw money... and bought some clothes plus a bag... Around 6, i went to times square to take a cab.. i didn't know need to buy ticket then can take cab... erm... a bit -_-'''' chou dear lah.. dun want to drive me back.. dun want to talk to him liao... i went to shop a while at chinatown but mum was damn worried after hearing wat the taxi driver said.. hai~~ we head to pudu raya to take bus back to genting.. BUT ~~~~ no more bus le.... TMD!!!~!~!~!~~!~!~~!!~!~ We took a cab back again`~~ hai~~ furthermore is those kind of private car.. mum more scared.. cos only both of us... so.. if anything happened.. how?? but luckily... it is quite a safe trip down to kl.. When we went back to genting, called up daddy.. so that he won't worry for us so much... .

Third day, back to sg~~~sigh~~~

Wednesday to Friday, back to office~~ tmd~~ been working OT since i get came back from leave~~~ Wednesday, finished up my colleague's potato chips...

Thursday to Friday, we went to have cafe cartel and billi bombers... haha.. ok lah~~ been quite spenddrift sia~~~

Saturday.. cousin came over to my house.. we went over to east coast satay club to makan for dinner.. then later part at nite.. met up with ah soh.. for movies.. hahaa.. two siao char bor.. went to clarke quay coffee club to hae $40 bucks of snacks~~ woww... tat is a bit siao right~~ we bought 2 bottles of jim bean and jack daniel.. sat at a side for drinking....

Sunday, met up with some of my buddies.. haha.. we went to auston for western food.. hahaa.. something which i can't deny.. the food there is fantastic plus quite economical... after tat we went for pool session...

Whether my hk trip going to be success?? I planning to have bbq session during june holiday.. feel a bit sickening of work life.. i just want to play and play.. till my colleague changed team.. cos maybe one day she changed team le.. i will lose my freedom.. things might be just falling on my end... hai~~~~

Hahaha.. seriously got a lot of pple said i had been hiding away my feelings.. i can't deny tat it is the truth.. i keep persuade jiefu to break up.. hhaa.. tat's evil of me.. but i... just dun want to see him to be sad again.. when he broke up with jiejie or so called when things happened.. he had been sad.. and so called first time that i heard him cry.. i knew how painful.. i couldn't said he feel the same pain as i did.. i didn't know why 'HE' had become so deep inside me.. i am afarid that pple will ask me abt him.. yet i yearns to know how he is.. I AM SO CHEAP~~ Why am i still bother with someone who dun even bother to contact me anymore.. why do i still miss him so much.. why?? i didn't know he is that impt to me? he is the only one that i open my heart.. though i did not tell him some stuffs.. but i told him most of it.. yet.. he just left me.. why he is so cruel.. .maybe there is no fairytales exist...

sometimes i really very envy nanny's gf... he treats his gf so good... hahaa.. will nanny treats me that good as well.. haha.. the answer is no ba.. but i can't deny.. nanny is quite a nice guy.. haha..sometimes really regret.. why why why.. .

why why why why.. why did i fall for someone who dun meant to be for me... wat if one day dear just left me without saying anything.. will i feel the same pain again.. i am so afarid.. i took more than 3 years.. yet i still cannot forget him.. why.. heaven is making fun of me?? sometimes walking down on the street.. i am just trying to act strong and happy.. let u regret.. why u treat me like this.. am i a toy? hahaha.. but i know i am just deceiving myself.. i also will wondering.. u get married le mah?? u got kids le mah??? i think i am pshyco le.. why should i choose to hold on to a past that no longer belong to me anymore.. pls pls.. let me go.. getting more and more confusing.. i dun want to cling to it anymore.. can drinking solve my problems??

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