Sunday, September 16, 2007

How's life have been for me??

Wahahaa.. Curious why i did not blog anything ever since my nite at ms? Wahaaha.. How's life been for me for the past few days or weeks? Ever since that nite at ms, i think i did a bit of dramatically change..

Hahaa.. why after that nite, i did a dramatically change? I also dunno, is time to change to grow up and be mature.. Stop being a kid.. i can only be a kid under table with my close buddies or friends~~

Cute Piggy that i got from PS Arcade.. hahaa.. i hook onto the game le~~ sadly i had to pay myself~~ wahahaa.. :P but my friend always very kind.. keep sharing with me the cost.. maybe i keep complaining i am very broke nowadays.. :P

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Of cos the truth is i am really damn broke cos i got 13 birthdays before my next pay day~~ one month had so many birthdays~~ crazy~~ sob sob.. but i think i can save up for nanny de~~ cos i asked him wat he wants.. he never reply me.. guess he going to be on my ban list soon~~ u are the one who said.. must give present.. then -_-''' ATTITUDE~~~ i dislike this kind of ATTITUDE that u are showing lor~~ FINE~~!~!

A cupcake from office on tat day when my colleague's birthday aka da jie da birthday..

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Erm.. how it taste like.. i dunno leh~~ cos i never ate it~~ but it should be the same as wat i ate lastime.. why? Bcos is the same company who produce this.. -_-''' just that this time round, they add in the logo..

Waraku De Pasta

Fattening~~ Cheesy~~ but YUMMY~~ Chicken dunno wat baked gratin..

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Much more Healthy Choice.. The combine is unique~~ Salmon and Cheese

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After dinner at Clarke Quay

I was damn late that day~~ niao niao waited me for quite sometime.. i am at office struggling with my work~~ After tat we went to da jie da birthday party... Is somewhere at clarke quay~~ but i dun reveal the place ba~~ didn't really drink on that nite... i saw da jie drinking flaming~~ wahaaha.. high sia~~ i will never got the guts to try that.. :P Hahaha.. but got one yandao over there leh~~ wow.. cool sia~~~ :P

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A boring nite in office struggling

Of cos i ate my dinner in office.. in the meanwhile.. got a bit of enjoyment..

yummy~~ dark chocolate ice-cream~~ but nt very thick~~

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omg~~ why i kept eating fattening stuffs~~

A relaxing friday

My gd friend came to pick me up from work~~ She brought me to a place at OASIS~~ Guess end of the year, OASIS going to close to make way for the new look of Stadium~ This is my first time having meal over there, the renovation is quite simple looks like those old times resturant~ omg~~ she kana fine again~~ Leisure park also renovate le~~

leftover vege

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Is this shit? Nope.. is gong bao chicken~~ recommend by the waitress

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Guess wat is this?? For ??

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Kekekee.. For porridge.. wahahaha... refillable~~ once in a while having porridge is nt bad~~ my parents like porridge while i dun like it~~ guess i should bring them go there once before it closed down~~

We still order more dish.. stewed pork~~ but ended up both of us cannot finish the food.. After dinner we head down to cosy bay~~ wahaaha.. a favourite place where i also go.. if gt someone drives me in~~ but if u park at the carpark~~ u need to pay $5 wor~~ of cos she did an illegal parking.. after the lesson of paying for the carpark for $5..

On Saturday~~ My mom asked me to go tampines.. i a bit relunctant to go there.. maybe bcos i got a lot of enemies staying over there.... haha.. no lah.. is just bcos i want to avoid seeing him.. seriously, i dun even know would i react~~ just like wat brother said.. is time for you to let go le~~ maybe bcos that nite..they see me~~ -_-'''' is it bcos i am stubborn, tat's why i am still struggling with it? or bcos i am the loser? actually i should be satisfy with my current life le~~ Although dear not at my side, just a call away he will be there for me~~ while sometimes brothers they all will be there for me too~~ maybe jil also lah~~ sometimes will joke with me~~ friends are ard at my side~~~ lose one.. should be ok ba~~ but is the one who i opened up the most~~ haiz~~~~ really a good friend of mine.. i never tell so much of my problems to someone like this before... maybe second one is justin korkor.. but he also got a gap with me le~~ haiz~~~

On sunday.. work lor~~ work lor~~~

10th sept~~ guess wat i had for dinner.. avoid paying taxes... my colleague and i choose to have dinner under this kind of situation...

Bought a tori yaki rice set at Tangs

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Kekee.. one of my favourite japanese food

Turkey Penne salad for $2.70 at Isetan Japanese Supermarket

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yummy.. very nice~~ turkey very tender~~

Sushi set

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wahaha... got my favourite salmon sushi~~ plus one ice lemon tea from Mac~~ Dun need to pay 17% of taxes~~ one person only like less than $10.. We sat down at Shaw centre to eat and chit chat~~ a kind of cheap and relaxing method.. :P

Tuesday~~ i went out to meet brothers~~ my good friend's birthday~~ but of cos i never celebrate with her~~ she is with her darling~~ of cos we had a wonderful nite tat day~~ cos i keep whacking brothers... We went to wisma food court to eat hokkien mee~~ Three of us ordered the same thing sia~~~ Then we went down to coffee club to have chit-chat session~~ avoid talking abt the previous incident~~ i throw the whole cup of sugar at one of my brother... haha.. :x opps... We ordered two earl grey vanilla and one mocha.. Brother dun like earl grey but why i like it so much~~ i think earl grey suit for girl more than guy~~ i told him that le~~ before i ordered.. but he dun believe.. :P Still got one more my favourite~~ muddy mud pie~~ wahahaa.. :P three of us share.. yummy~~~

Wednesday.. I had a steamboat dinner with friends at chong qing steamboat.. cheap cheap.. $15 only.. can choose up to four kinds of soup base.. but the varieties are limit~~ The service is good, aunties there are very friendly sia~~~ When u stepped in, u will have a kind of feeling u are having steamboat in China.. Cos most of the pple there are from China~~ got Chio bus there also sia~~

Thursday, one of my ex-colleague came over to novena and have lunch with us~ We ate pepper lunch~~ of cos i ordered my favourite.. salmon fried rice~~ yummy~~~ but come out with a smell of working in the kitchen~~ The only guai day that i had for the week~~ went back home to have dinneR~~ but daddy drive me to ikea to get chicken wings~~ wahaha.. pamper brat sia~~~

Friday, wahaha.. i went down to orchard to collect my colleague's birthday cake cum making contact lens. Surprise that i make contact lens after so many years~~ haaha... Within a few weeks, i changed damn much~~ went for facial lah.. go make contact lens lah~~ bcos of dear mah? hahaa.. no lah~~ just want to change of looks~~ is time to grow mature~~~ At nite, i met my friend's friend~~ she treated me for dinner~~ hahaa.. After that i went back to office to wait for my colleague~~ she was over there struggling~~ sometimes she also waited for me till very late~~ since i got nothing much to do~~ then wait for her lor~ After tat we went to NYDC for supper.. of cos i never eat anything lah.. (u believe mah?)

Potato skin with bacon and chicken yummy~~

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Mushroom and Ham baked rice my favourite~~ but nt my supper lah~

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Gold Mines

A dessert that is share between us~~ One cheese cake with one scoop of double chocolate chip ice cream.. and chocolate syrup beside it~~ yummy~~ much more nicer than the muddy mudpie~~ (recommended by my another colleague)

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Saturday, i met brothers and my lao po for movie session~~ can u believe i am the last one to reach~~ i rushed up all the way to the movie theatre to find them`~ luckily brother was standing outside waiting for me~~ arbo i paiseh lah~~ walked alone~~ wahaha... :P when we go in.. movie just abt to start~~

Movie : Apartment 1303
Critics : ok lah~~ jump and jump lor~~ xiao didi beside me giving out a lot of noises~~ then brother beside me~~ keep trying to scare me~~ guess i numb liao~~ no feelings~~

After that we dun even know where to go~~ i trying to find present for gd friend~~ while i found a bag which i am looking for a long time.. there is a period of time, out of stock~~ Now it comes with a new colour~~ But i still stick to my old choice~~

Pic of my new bag

hehe.. very coincidently, my the other two friends also like the same bag~~ therefore i msg them at the same time~~ one of them asked me to help her buy~~ whaaha.. so happy~~ bcos i asked before the salesgirl whether when got new stocks coming in~~ they said not sure whether will have new stocks or not~~ yet u let me caught u at PS URS~~and i immediately bought it~~ forget abt my friend's present le~~whahaa.. :P Maybe i should start to believe in fate~~~ Then sunday morning, my the other colleague called me to wake me up~~ just to tell me that she saw the bag le~~ i told her i bought le~~ wahaha.. :P

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After buying the bag for second time~~ They all queueing up at TCC.. Waiting for abt 15 mins .. still nobody come out~~ haiz~~ change destination to starbucks at Cathay~ sat there entertained them till ard 12.. took a cab down to meet my another gd friend~~ she been waiting for me since 10 plus~~ :P opps~~ i am terrible late le~~ haha.. She treated me hk cafe.. we chit chat till ard 3 plus am~~~ talking abt work~~ hahaha.. she thinks i go mature le~~ haha.. a lot of pple also think that~~ haha.. my mindset change le~~

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