Sunday, February 24, 2008

Complicated Feelings

As to compare the two companies, i dunno which i will i choose. But maybe my leaving will make my boss and i happier? Since we suffer from a broken colleague relationship in the first place, now we were just acting as normal. But on monday, i was very pissed off. She put words into my mouth again. Argh~~ As usual, this is her style. If you asked me whether i will do a good work of handover, i really dunno. Hahaa.. The problem is she is the one offend me, what for makes our pple life difficult.. Seriously i would like to stay in my current company if i no longer in her team, but that came too late. It came before i go out look for job and i had already sign the contract. Therefore i think i will still move on to a new job.. I will miss my times over here.. No more lunch time shopping spree~~~ hahaa..

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