Monday, June 23, 2008

Just feeling weird + a messy trip~~

Seriously nowadays really very lazy to update about my food's photos~~ Hahaa.. Without lying and being very sincere, i started to get use with my work over there but there are still times that i don't really get use. I guess slowly i will get use over there.

As for diet, nowadays i trying to cut down my intake since i seldom exercise. One reason bcos of my gd friend, while another reason mainly is bcos of my own health. I realise my immune system getting more and more weak, as u can see that i often fall sick now and then. Last week, i went out with kl and one of my ex-colleague, of cos i went to sushi tei to eat again. But this time round, i am much more calculative.. Haha.. Kana said by kl.. why so calculative? No choice, now i quite broke~~ haiz~~ money cannot take back~~ now need to save up extra money for my studies plus my hk trip.. haiz~ he so bad~~~ bring me go eat chocolates~~ ARGH~~ but ok lah~~ we ended the day by eating strawberries at foodcourt~~ I LOVE STRAWBERRIES~~

From now till Oct, i had to be much more thrifty and enjoys all my freedom now before my school starts. I finally going to study after saying for 2 years. Seriously i don't know whether i can cope with the stress level that i will be dealing with later on or nt. Will all my brothers be there, lending me a ear or pull me up again when i am down?

As for my xiao qi korkor, i guess he is angry tat i did not agree to be his gurantor ba~ But seriously, i did try my best to save this friendship, guess it really did not ended well. This is the best that i can do, there is nothing much i can do. Recently or start of the year, i lent my friend money. When i am in deep financial trouble, she said she cannot afford to return to me at the moment. Ended up, i had no choice, turned to parents and asked for help. Then they realised that i lent money to friend, kana scolded for that day. But i am sorry to lied, i did not tell them the exact amount that i lend her. So how would they let me go be a gurantor after such incident happens?

As for my two dearest brothers~~ Erm.. Didn't really meet up with one for about 3 weeks le ba~~ While another one, i met him up last weekend ba~~ Had a short chat before we go back~ Sort of started to miss them~~ Omg~~ Why.. haha.. maybe too use to go out with them le~ haha.. so maybe next time they asked me out, i should reject them le hor~~

I am pretty surprised that one of my friend asked us out. But at the same moment, i rejected cos i said i am not free. Brother also rejected by saying he got to study for exams.. Are we avoiding her? Erm.. I dunno leh~~

Erm.. i got a friend sms me on last friday.. i am pretty surprise as both of us had never contacted for more than 4 years? U don't ask me when is the last time that i ever talked to him sia~~ My feelings is right, something goes wrong.. Hahaha.. My feelings won't go back to be the same. I will just treat him as a normal friend. Furthermore he is married already. OMG~~ My head is getting bigger and bigger~~ Erm.. He heard one of my friend's voice when he called me on last friday. And there goes on his story~~ Crazy~~ Each night he called me, he will tends to talk to me very long~ Erm.. nowadays i really don't use to talk on phone that long at nite except towards girls or woman. Opps.. I had bcome lose interest le~~ hahaha..

My trip had turned out to bcome a disaster, seems like all the pressure is coming towards me~~ i feel so sian~~ i rather go trip with my brothers~~ omg~~ but i can't~~ mum will object~~ they will never allow me to do that~~ is either i find a steady friend and join me and my brothers to go.. otherwise i doubt i can go oversea with them~~ or they had to let my mum to join us~~ haha.. since they had let my mum joined us once le~~ haha.. will it have a second time? omg~~

as for my relationship~~ i started to wondering whether is my feelings going haywire again~~ guess i had to put a stop point at the correct time. otherwise if it still contiune to go to the wrong way.. then i will lose a friend in the end again~~ i dun want to land myself in the same position which i encounter a few years back..

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