Friday, June 27, 2008

Server Room

Wahaha.. Seriously in the first few months, i am grumbling why should i quit my previous job. The pay here might not be as high as what i get in the previous job. But during this week, my time had spent very wisely. So called, i got back my life. I no longer work that hard. So called not really that if i stay at my previous job, i will have more time to study. Previous job is not as competitive as the current job. I met a lot of various of people, so called, i am trying to open myself.. (hahaa.. dun mistaken... ) open up myself is to learn more about communicating, dun always think that wat is in the past is good. I should learn to look far, instead of keep standing at the same point again and again. plus overcome my shyness, always keep quiet.. must be much more daring, dun be so timid.. plus dun be so gan chiong~~ must be fast and steady, dun always so slow~~ dun always walk round the circle and circle.. dun always compare the past and the present..watever is in the past, is already in the past, no longer keep comparing, cos it will never be the same again..

haha.. these few days, i been to client side, server room, all these are things that i never get to be involve or do before. Is really a very different way of working style but i always like to keep myself occupied.. As for weekend, i would want to stay at home and rest. Guess my hk trip is making me very tired~~ i got so many errands to do.. sian~~ guess slowly... one by one~~ i got a 100 to 200 of taxi claims for the past months haven claim~~ omg.. my pay already so little le~~ yet so many taxi claim haven claim.. sob sob~~ seriously.. i dunno why... i keep hoping tat my big boss will convert me before i go hongkong~~ but i guess or doubt that he will convert me ba~~ cos i made quite a few mistakes in work~~ but thanks god~~ my tl still not as bad as niao niao~~ he had been very forgiving.. i hopefully next time i can cut down my errors.. dun let him nan zou ren~~ later big boss scold him, i will be very gulity de.. cos most of time is i make mistake~~ erm~~ u know lah~~ i dun like to cause harm to pple de..

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