Wednesday, September 24, 2008

So0o0o0o0o0o0oooo Painful :(

Today i took half day and went to do medical checkup.. haiz~~ didn't know need to do blood test.. so painful~~ this is the second time that i do blood test in my whole entire life.. :( sob sob.. is the auntie dunno hw to poke or ???? guess tml going to be blue black liao~~ haiz~~ i guess sooner or later.. i need to go to pluck out my wisdom tooth le.. but hor~~ i dun dare.. haiz~~~ :( but the clinic had The Arcade had a very nice view. I can oversee the whole of marina bay.. Hehee.. considered quite lucky cos i took afternoon leave, therefore i can avoid all jams. Pray hard, nothing goes wrong for my checkup. Otherwise, i will go bersek leh..
*****Praying very hard********

Last Week arh.. Wat i did arh..

Erm.. I met my buddies for dinner.. Hehee.. :P Supposing i only meet one of them for dinner.. The other one said he nt free, going gym. Ok lor, dun want to force him. Had a short chat with one of my buddies lah.. Then suddenly another one called me, "I just finished OT leh,i come down now to find u all." Hahaha.. Stunned.. We purposely bought Venti drink at Starbucks to wait for him lor~~ Wah lau.. I drink coffee until i wants to puke liao.. of cos lah.. they started to said abt my past and my current.. haiz~~ makes me feel so guilty.. so regret.. wat had happened to me.. gain quite a lot of weight during my 2 years in my ex-company.. sob sob.. now trying very hard to shed them away lor.. haiz~~ jia you hor~~~ one asked me go california gym with him.. another one asked me to join his gf to go gym together.. omg~~~ he still ask me to learn from his gf sia~~ haha.. his gf is my idol liao~~ time to learn from her.. hehee.. i wants to become mei mei de and find a bf.... :X let's see hw long my determination will last this time round.. :P

hahaha... touch hor~~ my friend actually rushed down from tuas to meet me.. hahaa.. :P seriously.. really feel happy at the moment.. now i know.. no matter hw far they are from me.. they are still with me.. i wondering how long will this last.. :X Opps.. am i questioning hw friendly u all are towards me.. Erm.. no lah.. we better dun stay too close.. later your gfs misunderstand, how?

last sat.. i went to eat steamboat with a friend(Secret) and my ex-colleague.. haha.. Secret of cos being very sweet lah.. always cook for me n my friend to eat.. haha... opps.. seems like wat my ex-colleagues said is right.. my gd friends are all guys.. :( later they scare away my future bf, hw? hahaha.. no lah.. they just treat me as a guy buddy.. hahaaha... i think everytime after my steamboat hor.. i will start to sa jiao leh.. OMG!!!! hehee.. i think i purposely de.. they scare.. then i purposely do more.. oppps.. i looks like very rebellious wor~~ Wahahahaa.. :P

I think i did tat to my buddies too when i am a bit tipsy.. haha.. but luckily their gfs ard.. otherwise i will kana whack.. Opps.. must control a bit le wor.. is not like in the past where everybody still single... Wahahaa.. :P

Sort of miss someone so much.. haha.. his friend told me he getting married this year.. haha.. he so caring~~ the first guy who is so caring towards me.. wahaha.. maybe bcos i saw the injuries i had, reminds me abt him.. haha.. when i go out dating with him, he saw me blue black.. Faster bring me to watson and buy all types of medical oils and etc.. Ask me next time must be careful, ok? dun always hurt yourself.. so sweet hor~~ hehee.. plus my xiao xin is from him too as birthday gift.. haha... :P

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