Monday, September 01, 2008

Hehehe.. Birthday Gift

hahaha.. Last friday, i went to have dinner at cafe cartel... followed by steamboat.. crazy right? Plus having dessert at Ah Chew's dessert place. After eating and eating, i walked to mostafa.. Wahahhaa... :P I saw something which i like leh.. I dropped hint to my two qing ai de brothers.. Hahaha.. Both of us very cute hor.. One moment quarrel, one moment ok.. haha.. Crazy right.. As usual, we are always like that.. Ok lah.. Sometimes he quite pamper me.. But now cannot always liao~ Both of them got gfs liao~~ Erm.. Can i request this one successfully.. Erm.. I doubt it.. Just share with everyone.. haha.. Any hao xin ren wants to buy this for me? Erm.. Guess i had to get this myself~~ Hahaa... :P Last year, i aim a guess watch.. aim until i never buy.. this year, will i buy this puma to pamper myself.. Haha.. Sometimes i wondering.. both of my brothers quite understand me sia~~ haha.. when i am looking at a bag.. one will said "dun envy lah.. go buy lah.. " Then i tell them i am attached.. One of them will said "U believe in her meh?" Erm.. i really got so bad arh? nobody wants? sob sob.. anyway i am used to it liao~~ i really belongs to a category that nobody wants.. wahaha.. =p destined to be single for my lifetime.. haha.. is time to learn independent.. haha.. (Da jie, dun puke when u saw this post.. plus korkor hor.. ) Erm.. Da jie knew me for 6 years.. As usual i am still so childish, immature, spoilt brat.. Korkor knew me for more than 10 years, omg.. i still so dependent on others.. although he might find me that i had grown up by 0.01%? Now is i scold him, not that he scold me.. Wahahaahaa.. :P Opps.. Now i had become the evil one.. Lol.. :P

Hehee.. Brothers they all said planning to help me to celebrate my birthday. Erm.. This year, i had never planned to celebrate my birthday, guess i will have a peaceful birthday ba~~ cos all should be busy pa toh, where got time to entertain me.. :( furthermore i got lessons on the 25th.. Haiz~~ each year also dun have pple celebrate with me.. except last year.. last three years..

21th birthday,i had a chalet at east coast. End up they use my cake as flying cakes.. Hahaha.. I drank a bottle of white wine which i bought a few years back from australia.. Chasing one another with the cakes.. i so good leh.. offering other pple cakes, ended up kana sabo.. hehe.. plus nanny accompany me to watch the 40 year old virgin plus a meal at swensen ba~~~

22nd birthday, i had a chalet too this year.. Futhermore is a halloween decoration chalet at downtown east.. Heavy sponsor by my dearest friend, yy.. haha.. opps... she almost going to kill me le.. lol.. :P had a great fun there, just that we had a quarrelled with our next door neighbour due to bbq pit. Hahaha.. :P oh ya~~ i almost forget le.. We went to Zouk the day before wor~~ then sy, yy, plus dunno who and me come out first.. We walked to clarke quay and sit down.. Futhermore, we went to liang court to have a macdonald breakfast... Then took the eariliest train back to downtown east. No wonder we are so guai lah.. Then once we return back to chalet room, queueing up to bath so that we can sleep.. Hahaa.. :P Ended up dunno which idiot come around 11 plus..then wake all of us up.. we were saying~~ omg~~ we just slept for a while~~ around evening time.. chef comes liao~~ saw the food that we had bbq.. dunno bring who go supermarket to buy food.. wahaha.. :P he bought chocolate and melt.. haha.. then i use ham & chicken wings to dip inside the chocolate.. Ended up.. kana scolded.. -_-'''''' Tat time both of my brothers are attached... plus one of friends... but all broke up in the end.. now they are with different partners le.. hehe.. of cos.. my dearest yy.. also getting marry at the end of the year le.. :P On the actual date, i think nanny very poor thing sia~~ waited for me after work for quite long.. We went to watch the magician show~~ haha.. see.. my memory still quite good right.. haven turned rusty yet...

23th birthday.. haha.. I had a few cakes.. one frm my primary school friend, one frm my ex-colleagues, one frm my da jie n niao niao, one was frm my buddies they all. But the last cake WAS WORST OUT OF ALL.. Is just a small cupcake, ended up it bcome a flying cake... -_-''''''' luckily, was just a small celebration downstair, otherwise i will be dead.. guess everyone will be looking at me sia, if i board bus back home..

This year.. They planning to bring me go clubbing on that day.. Hahaha.. I thinks they only talk talk only right.. will not come true de right.. haha.. asked me go book chalet.. haha.. too bad.. no chalet.. haha.. so stayed at home is the best.. :P just pass me the present can le.. :)

First Hint for my birthday present~~

Puma Stardust Ladies Watch.. Nice nice.. =p

Puma Stardust Ladies Watch

haha.. after having so many years of happening birthday.. really not getting use of a peaceful birthday leh.. haha.. but must slowly getting use to it.. they where got time to entertain me sia~~ all is either attach or getting marry soon le~~ sob sob.. :( hahaa.. Getting married de arh.. Next time u pregnant liao.. must tell me arh.. i helped u take care of your baby when is young.. lol.. :P should be very cute de right.. wahahahaaa.... :P so anxious abt my school plus someone's wedding.. hahaa.. :P first time sia~~ hahaha.. ytd kana 'takan' by my brothers they all.. haiz~~ said.. "Your target is in november leh... then now.......... " -_-'''' haiz~~~ :(


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