Tuesday, October 20, 2009

min 这次又失败了。。

haiz~~ 这次的考试可能又不能成功。。开始怀疑自己不能multi-tasking.. 我又多一次让父母伤心了。。haiz~~

Sunday, October 18, 2009


wahahaa.. the title seems like very weird hor... hahahaa.. 7 years ago... i am considered very happy xiao nu ren ba~~ cos ard me.. i gt 两个男人.. no matter whether i am happy or sad.. they will be there for me... haha.. but gradually i fall in love with one of them... and i lost him.. hahaa.. while the other one.. we no longer that close.. maybe as time passes.. things changed... slowly i learnt to be more independent.. knows that thing will not be with u forever.. must cherish them.. cos maybe next yr.. things will be different again.. u will lead yr life.. while if i keep looking backwards.. i will not be able to move forward.. maybe u already at the ending point... hahahaa.. Just like 7 yrs ago.. i am running together with you... 3 yrs later.. u left me and run faster or took a different path to reach the destination.. if i still carry on to stop at 4 yrs ago.. i will not be able to reach the destination.. and everyone behind me will jus overtake me.. hahaa.. blur blur le for so long.. finally wake up and carry on to run the marathon.. maybe we will nt met again on the journey to destination.. as long as anyone of us don't look backwards, i believe we will be happier... =)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

8 years le...

不知不觉8年就这样的过去了。。 哈哈。。 如果真的在一起的话, 我们会不会在一起。。 还是我们还是会分开。。 还是我们还是会是好朋友。。 你还过的好吗?我现在过的还好,现在这分工作没有我以前的工作来的辛苦。。 没有那么难挨的日子。。 还是我也跟随时间的脚步,慢慢学的放开,不要那么冲动。。 哈哈。。 我猜你身边有了你深爱的老婆了吧!哈哈。。。 还是可能已经是爸爸了。。 哈哈。。 事情都过了那么旧,为何我还会偶尔想起你。。 这不是应为我放不下你。 只是你跟korkor给我的影响太过深,在我最彷徨无助的时候,你们会在ah min身边给她依靠。。 这份人情会陪我到老。。。 谢谢你。。 你真的帮了我很多。。 有些时候,你就是那么傻。。在我最穷的时候, 是你伸出你的手帮助我。。你从来都没有向我讨回。。。 只会在我身边唠叨的叫我不要那么会花钱。。 还是学生的我却喜欢跟朋友吃好的。。 有一次买了一杯泰国的chendol,$3.80。。。 给你说了一正晚。。 八年后,吃也没有了~~朋友也没有了~~ 哈哈。。。在你通电话时,我会说korkor..失去你后,korkor总会提起你。。 哈哈。。 真得很好笑。。

Sunday, October 11, 2009

min in love le~~

wahahaaa... Surprising hor~~ i will put this title.. haha.. ya~~ i am in love...

hahaa.. hw true is that.. no lah~~ is not true at all.. maybe i am just too close with him...

hahahaa.. too close to be together.. time to give up~~ arbo i will be down again for another 7 years.. by then i will be lao ah ma liao~~ where gt chance to meet my prince charming~~ now hor~~ must look carefully~~~ hahaa.. "the one" most likely will be my the other half liao~~ hahahaaa.. slowly find and enjoy my singlehood now~~ lol.. :P

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Wahaha.. Min turning 25 soon!!!

Haha... Min this nickname comes from a big korkor.. Haha.. Ever since that day, this nick had followed me till now.. Wahahaa.. =p

Min 傻傻等的是你对我唱生日歌.. haha.. 可是你没次都不给我一点面子。。 你从来都没有记得这一天,应为你从来都没有在乎过我.. hahahaa.. do u know that every yr, tat day.. i am waiting for u to sing me a birthday song.. but hor~~ u purposely.. skipped that day... hahaa.. silly hor.. haha... 7 years ago.. u won't sing me a birthday song.. wat makes u think 7 yrs later u will sing for me... so fast hor~~ time passes so long le.. haha.. we all had our own lives.. hahaa.. big korkor.. no matter where u are now.. hopes that u are doing fine.. having a great life.. hahaa..

if one day, i met this da korkor on the streets.. i doubt that he can still recognize me nor i can recognize him.. hahaaa..

i wondering hw my birthday will be like this year? last year.. da jie they all keep me accompany.. then i went st james with my friends... hahaa.. my brother also pass me a phone.. cos my phone spolit le.. then followed by a bbq...

guess this year.. will be much more quiet ba... i dun have much friends.. whaahahaaa..