Sunday, October 18, 2009


wahahaa.. the title seems like very weird hor... hahahaa.. 7 years ago... i am considered very happy xiao nu ren ba~~ cos ard me.. i gt 两个男人.. no matter whether i am happy or sad.. they will be there for me... haha.. but gradually i fall in love with one of them... and i lost him.. hahaa.. while the other one.. we no longer that close.. maybe as time passes.. things changed... slowly i learnt to be more independent.. knows that thing will not be with u forever.. must cherish them.. cos maybe next yr.. things will be different again.. u will lead yr life.. while if i keep looking backwards.. i will not be able to move forward.. maybe u already at the ending point... hahahaa.. Just like 7 yrs ago.. i am running together with you... 3 yrs later.. u left me and run faster or took a different path to reach the destination.. if i still carry on to stop at 4 yrs ago.. i will not be able to reach the destination.. and everyone behind me will jus overtake me.. hahaa.. blur blur le for so long.. finally wake up and carry on to run the marathon.. maybe we will nt met again on the journey to destination.. as long as anyone of us don't look backwards, i believe we will be happier... =)

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