Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Wahaha.. Min turning 25 soon!!!

Haha... Min this nickname comes from a big korkor.. Haha.. Ever since that day, this nick had followed me till now.. Wahahaa.. =p

Min 傻傻等的是你对我唱生日歌.. haha.. 可是你没次都不给我一点面子。。 你从来都没有记得这一天,应为你从来都没有在乎过我.. hahahaa.. do u know that every yr, tat day.. i am waiting for u to sing me a birthday song.. but hor~~ u purposely.. skipped that day... hahaa.. silly hor.. haha... 7 years ago.. u won't sing me a birthday song.. wat makes u think 7 yrs later u will sing for me... so fast hor~~ time passes so long le.. haha.. we all had our own lives.. hahaa.. big korkor.. no matter where u are now.. hopes that u are doing fine.. having a great life.. hahaa..

if one day, i met this da korkor on the streets.. i doubt that he can still recognize me nor i can recognize him.. hahaaa..

i wondering hw my birthday will be like this year? last year.. da jie they all keep me accompany.. then i went st james with my friends... hahaa.. my brother also pass me a phone.. cos my phone spolit le.. then followed by a bbq...

guess this year.. will be much more quiet ba... i dun have much friends.. whaahahaaa..

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