Tuesday, August 30, 2005

haha.. i fall sick again.. been keep falling sick for this whole year... two mths ago.. got high fever now... kana attacked by flu virus again.. kor came and find me today.. so sweet.. and he said next week treat me eat sakae.. erm.. listen can liao.. next week than i will know the truth.. never regret to have this kor.. cos he know this week.. i sad sad.. so.. haha.. had a talk with him also.. seriously my feelings really mixed up le.. i really duno wat i wan le.. so tiring.. can give me 1 min to breath...

i know jil, xuer and one of my gd friend when i broke up with my ex.. now.. everything was like in a mess.. xuer asked me.. she tot i fall in love with jil.. hai~~~ jil and my ah-kor is the same.. we know tat we will nt cross over tat line tat we had drawn in the first place. but.. i had crossed over the line tat me and my gd friend drawn.. tot tat attending the forum can help me to unlock my tie.. in the first place it seems like working.. now.. a bit confused again..

yesterday i went to take something from my friend.. finally, i managed to lend it from him.. but he really makes me very irritated.. i dunno why also.. he actually promise to pass to me on friday.. he said he was tired. fine.. i said another day... in a while later.. he msg me.. "i pass to u later.. since i am driving and i need to pass my friend some stuffs" ***** i know i nt your gf but pls respect me a bit can?
the same thing happened again yesterday...

***i delete the following post.

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