Tuesday, September 06, 2005

my life been going ups and down which i couldn't really handle well.. Last thursday i went to attend the second part of my course. Could i really untie my knot? Tat knot seems like falling deep inside a well. I realise something.. if i dun practise what i learned during that 3 days, the power i had will lose in any minutes.

been very busy for the past 3 weekends, do nt really have time for anything else.. but last sat, i managed to seek permission to leave early but ended up i still went off ard 10pm.. Went down to orchard to meet my friends for a birthday celebration. Out of surprising.. i couldn't flag a cab at lavander or bugis.. Can u believe tat taxi drivers do not want to stop for me.. hai~~ i am late... they will all waiting for me.. i feel so paiseh.. hehe.. but touch sia.. they never abandon me.. hehe.. again!! i did something stupid.. put some fresh cream on my friend's face.. lolo.. shifu.. hai~~~ bcome cream shifu.. who asks him accompany us to go washroom to wash hands.. ended up kana sabo by me.. this weekend.. although i am not working.. got two chalets going on....... erm... still considering.. everything for me now is like all pending.. let me have a break first ba~~

the most scarliest thing for august was tat... i got friends birthday which are contiunously... 26-gx, 27-jil n gary, 28-suicheng, 29-kevin, 3rd sept-soo yuan, 5th-ester... omg...

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