Monday, December 19, 2005

erm... Monday...... left office quite early.. supposely to meet rena for shopping spree.. ended we change to another day.. due to too tired and restless to go out...

Tuesday.... went out to have dinner with my parents.. it was pretty nt bad.. but there was dropped of standard for the food... (had a pretty late dinner) plus had a terrible gastric pain...

Wednesday.. took a day of mc... dun really have feel like eating any thing...

Thursday.. met banana and her 'husband' for dinner.. waited for half an hour for my grilled chicken at a CAFE over PS.. The supervisor just told us.. "IT TAKES TIME TO GRILL THE CHICKEN" After that, the missing of lingrine was bcos THE KITCHEN HAD NO MORE. The cashier did not inform you abt tat arh?? Guess Irene they all never do their work... Therefore i diam diam liao.. since banana said nvm... then.. lot of terms and things happend during dinner table.. hahaahaa.. 'somebody changing target lah', who is the target lah n blah blah... ( ask me for more details ba...hahaha.. )

Friday..went to had pizza hut for lunch.. on company treat.. hahaa.. received a msg from kw... "Help help, whose birthday is coming... " first reaction, u are dead.. hahaha... discuss with him abt sat outing which is nt confirm.. plus asking him to go eat paris international buffet...

Saturday, took abt less than 8 hours of sleep.. plus drank vodka the nite before.. makes me feel a bit giddy.. planning to watch king kong but tickets were selling super fast.. make me this organsier head a bit very big.. therefore change to dinner with them... met kelvin, winston and soo yuan for dinner at parkway... hahaha... went to JB tat day.. nothing much to shop ard.. but the egg tarts were gd..

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