Sunday, December 11, 2005

Last Monday, i went to watch Chicken Little. The movie considered so-so, i gave abt 3 out 5 stars.

Tuesday was a very shagged day. Can you imagine tat i had to work till 2plus am...

Wednesday, i went to work at 10am... But i am really very chagged and tired. Try to leave a bit earilier by seeking my team leader tat i need to left a bit earilier. Surprisely, she approved and i left a bit earilier. I went to have some time for myself. When to Liang court to read magazine, follow by i met someone for dinner. I will nt miss my favourite ice-cream, green tea with red bean. Heehee.. :P After dinner, immediately took cab home and sleep early.

Thursday, sort of work OT again. Hehehee.. :P In actual fact, i also must wait for my cousin. I am meeting her for coffee session. Sort of discuss our plans for next year june holiday. Seems like my schedule quite packed hor?? But in actual fact, it was not quite packed. Just tat when you start working life, you will have lesser time to spend with your friends and family. My cousin treated me NYDC.. haha.. bcos i am so hungry, i miss my dinner again. But i got my starbucks coffee... =p I went ard 6pm to downstair and collect it, plus i got one more free latte due to the slow service.. hahaa.. Seems like i very cheapo hor.. No choice arh, almost half of the pple went down to queue for it. So why not i just join in the fun. Anyway, i went down is almost knocking off time..

Friday, i went to eat seoul garden with my colleagues. It was quite fun though i only i know them less than a month. Maybe bcos last week, i did not have a gd rest. My body felt so resltess, whenever i finish my dinner, i will feel extremely tired.

Saturday, my auntie and uncle came over to my house. Kept them accompany for a while. Before my auntie left, she asked us next time go over to her house. Erm... Maybe it really been a long long time tat i went over to visit them... Jialat.... Seems like i am neglecting my family... I always reached home ard 12am.. then had so little time for them, felt tat i am staying at hotel sia. Wake up already, go to work. Sometimes i will reach home late. There doesn't seems to have anytime for myself to do stuffs tat i like. During evening time, meet those guys and yy for dinner. They called me and wait for them downstair. BUT they thinks i will be late. Tat's why they still at home play game. Seems like they had bcome much more smarter.. lol.. :P Therefore i went upstair to winston's house. Hehehe.. He bought quite a number of CDs and offer me whether i want any CDs.. YES!!! i borrow 4cds from him... hehee.. :P We went to eat Pasta Mania, followed by a drink at coffee bean. Seriously this bunch of guys really changed a lot. No matter is in physically or behaviour. Lastime during sec school time, cafes is totally out for them. BUT now, they are the ones who wants to go there. I planned this coming thursday to go watch king kong. Don't know some of them on or nt. Hopefully YY can come... pls.... (very pathetic look wor... :) ) while my 'lao po', she is having exams now... so study hard.. jia you wor... :P


Anonymous said...

awwww ur life seems so busy.. really really busy.. always OT, huh?
Btw dya know any Indonesians there? Any one named Aan? hehe.. he's my NUS friend. Btw I am goin to submit my resignation letter on Monday. Hope everything goes smoothly.
All the best for your work ;)

min min said...

heheehe.. i will slowly go find out who is he.. u should know me... i so shy... only stick to my team only... hehee... :P

no lah.. not very busy.. find one day we come out shop shop.. hehee..

dun worry.. everything will be fine for you.. :)