Sunday, December 04, 2005

Last week, i got a busy week...

Monday, i knock off at 6.15. That's was pretty early as the whole team was still over there working very hard and i just leave early due to i pretty shag and tired...

Tuesday, got to work OT.. Again.. haha.. and sort of we are the latest to left office.. i left office at 10pm with my colleague. When we stepped out of US, it was raining heavily outside.. :'( Tot of sharing cab home, since he stayed at Pasir Ris. But there was long queue, so we choose to take mrt home. I was much more poor thing. I went to took bus home. On the way home, i feeling so cold and hungry.. jialat leh...

Wednesday, met CYY for Harry Porter.. Erm sort of i watched tat before, just dun want to mention to her. Bcos i had promised to watch together. Therefore i did not make any comment for this movie in my blog.... hahaha... But she waited me for quite a while over at orchard due to i got some stuffs to do on hand. Actually i wondering, if i going to meet her to watch Chicken Little on this coming week. Will i be able to go? I got to do a throughly testing for this coming week. Hopefully, it will make my time to pass easily and learn more things. Rather than slacking thru the mornimg and afternoon and need to work OT at nite... A bit touched tat my friend all the way from paya lebar took train down to have lunch with me.. :) thanks..

Thursday, AGAIN OT.. ***** too much OT to be done. Sian.. hopefully my christmas and new year will not be burn. btw.. my friend asked me a question, "Want to watch Harry?" I said NO... i am not going to watch harry for so many times.. hehee.. paiseh arh...

Friday, quite tired but whenever i got the tot of the outing. I was pretty awake but is sort of forcing myself to feel awake... At nite, we got a team outing.. Heehe..:P Luckily, i just managed to clear things on hand before we set off for the outing. Our first stop suppose to be Chong Chong(Serangoon) in the end change to opposite Bedok Camp. We had a whole table of food...Since i am the newest.. I was being force to eat more.. so full... and we proceed our way to Marina South for Bowling.. Heehe.. still not bad lah.. 14 of us, only 10 of us played while the 4 of them be cheer leader. But we exchanged shoes after one match of bowling.. :) some of them left early.. therefore, we only left with 11 pple in the van. Actually, two of them wanted to left early but one of them can't stand the tempation of DURIANS.. They manged to stay thru the whole nite and we even drove thru orchard to see the lights..

Places where we had went:

  1. Dinner at the Hawker centre opp. Bedok Camp
  2. B0wling at Marine Bay
  3. X.Mas Lighting at Ochard Rd
  4. Durians and Bean Curd at Geylang
  5. Drove thru the red light district..
  6. Went to Changi Village to see ..............
  7. Went to changi Airport at 2.43AM(had a feeling tat i was in oversea, and i am rushing to catch a flight.. hahaha.. :P)
  8. Had MacDonald Breakfast at 5am in the morning
  9. 6am- Sunrise at East Coast(due to drizzling, we miss the sunrise.. :( )
  10. Home sweet Home (I am the one who stayed very near to east coast, therefore i am the first one to alight and go back home to sleep. :) )

Places where we planned to go before the whole outing.....

  1. Dinner at chong chong
  2. Bowling at Marina South
  3. Cozy Bay (luckily we never went there, a place where there are tons of memories for me)
  4. Durians at Geylang
  5. Mt Fabar(which i wanted to go a lot, who can bring me there again?)
  6. Tunnel at Labordor Park (so scarely, luckily never go.. hehehe.. )
  7. Prata at Fong Sheng
  8. Jurong Fish Port
  9. Sunrise at Marina Bay
  10. Home sweet Home

**A great difference better where we had planned and where we had go right?? haha.. maybe bcos of the rain, we had to change our entire plan.. Hopefully next time we can go tree top walk.. :)

Sat, had been a very busy day for me. Can u imagine tat min does not had enuff sleep for the past few days and she reached home at 6.30am on sat morning. She woke up at 1.30pm but she was so tired and went back to sleep till 2 plus.. Then followed by called daddy where is he? He dropped me off at Yishun. And i am so blur tat i had mistaken Redha's wedding address. I tot is 834, i realised i got the wrong address when i reached there. Therefore, i ringed up Lydia. Haha.. then she told me is 824.. I went to pass him hongbao and took some pics before i leave. I never ate anything over there. And i heeded home after tat.KM asked me whether i want to join them over at wala.. I was complaining my head is so painful tat i rejected that even there was free transport home. Ard 9 plus, i went to joyce's bbq at east coast. AGAIN, i mistook the bbq pit number.. I tot is 16.. When i reached there, i saw a grp of Malays. I know tat i went to the wrong pit.. then i walked further down.. hai~~ sotong queen sia..

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