Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I had not been updating my blog ever since one month ago till now.. that is pretty fast, neither that this one month, i been online tat often as i normally does. MIA for one month?? hahaa.. let me list out wat i had done for the past one month....

on the 10 of July, i went back to work.. As usual, i went back to work. Nothing changes, still back to my original position but i am requested to handover all my stuffs. I did a very simple handover documents bcos i bet tat my colleagues will read that. hahaa.. As simple as possible.. :)

on the 11 of July, i left singapore for Genting trip. Before i leave for a trip, i had to make a payment on the 12, in order to go for the KL trip which is being organised by my company. I left sg as early as 7am, board the bus to leave sg. As usual, i did something which he do to me often. A sms saying goodbye... I took a 7 and half hours to reach Genting. The bus journey was very long, and due to cable car is under maintenance, we managed to go to the top by coach. It had been a very long time that i ever been to there, a lot of thing changes. Just like what pple normally said pple also changes when times passes. I went this trip with my mum and her friends, of cos lah, i am the youngest.. and nobody to talk to... nobody to accompanied me to theme park.. the only place i can go is CASINO.. i went in and out of casino as often as anyone does, and everytimes i went in.. they tend to check my particulars.. hai~~~~~

on the 12 of July, we actually planning to go down to KL for shopping spree but mum's friend said that was dangerous to go over there now due to a robbery happened on the day before. Fine!! i am stuck in casino again.. hai~~ During evening time, mum fell down in the toliet.. hai~~~ she hurt her back badly.. Guess is a challenge that how i can react when emergency occurs.. i brought her back to hotel room to rest for a while.. she was in deep pain..

on the 13 of July, we trying to fly back to HOME!! BUT the receptionist very relunctant to help us to call the airlines to check the price of the airtickets. Mum endure the pain for 7 and half hours again, we took the coach back to SG.. Seriously, she is very brave... We check out at 11 plus, while the coach leave at 3 plus. In between, we planned to see doctor but the stairs leading the clinic makes her feel more terrible. Therefore she insists she is ok for not seeing a doctor .. I called back to singapore to ask for day off to look after her for the next day.. We reached singapore ard 11pm plus. I called daddy to come down and bring her to see doctor bcos i am carrying the lugguage and the goodies which i brought back from m'sia. The doctor said she hurt her last two ribs and is bent in a bit, it will took her abt a mth to recover..

on the 14 of July, i took a day off. Start to do all the household chores.. washed clothes.. sweep the floor... mop the floor... cook dinner... there go my one day..

on the 15 of July, auntie knows tat mum fell down in genting. She came over to see how's she and teaches me how to cook porridge... hahaaa... my cousin came over for a while too...

on the 16 of the morning, we went to potong pasir to bring mummy to see a very famous doctor.. He gave us a letter, in case she is still feel very pain, we need to send her to A&E... Actually i insist of going now but she don't want... hai~~~~~ doing household chores.. but this time round, we decided to go out to buy instead of i cook.. wahahaa.. :P

on the 17-21 of July.. back to work.. of course, i am being transfer to another team.. the stuffs that i am doing that time was pretty simple... Mummy is on the way of recovering...

on the 22 of July.. is time to leave singapore.. the nite before, i accidentally split the detergent water on the floor.. omg.. i took abt 2 hours to clean up the mess.. slept ard 2am plus, need to wake up at 6am in order to catch the bus at my company.. hai~~~ 4 hours of sleep again.. omg!!! haha.. my colleagues even more worst than me.. two of them suppose to meet at 6.45 at yishun mrt.. one girl haven even wake up at 6.45.. hehee.. :P of cos we are late.. but one couple is worst than us.. lol.. :P 22 of July is the first day of the MEGA SALE start!! wahaahaha... :P
We went to Putrojaya before we went to KL.. Putrojaya is very beatiful... When we checked in to the hotel, we feel a bit disappointed bcos of the environment there.. This is the first hotel in KL!!! omg.. it got more 30 years of history.. is very old although they did some upgrades beforehand..

.... to be contiuned... .

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