Monday, August 14, 2006

on the 9 of Aug...
Promised mum that i will take her out to shop.. We went to meet my auntie they all over at ikea but we did not went there for shopping cos mummy complaining too many pple.. Therefore we head queensway for shopping but also a lot of pple.. hai~~~ after tat we went to town for fireworks.. hai~~~ dunno why this year dun really feel like watching.. After tat we head home.. WAT!~~~~ i am being stuck in a traffic jam again.. hai~~~~~~ ~

on the 10 of Aug.. back to work.. of cos got to work OT again.. trying to pull out the data for the user and trying very hard to solve the issues.. changes a bit of attitude for my work.. but seriously i really feel stress and pressure... or i am a scary cat.. everything also scare or i am not courageous to take up the challenge.. i dun dare to promise i will not ruin the data. When i start to take up this job, everyone is telling me that this is a big project, you can participate is a good learning slope for you. I had overcome a challenge of the first part. Now another obstacle is here, it showing you that nothing will remain the same. As time passes, you had to face the challenge one by one..

on the 11 of Aug.. went to Aunt's house for a short stay... of cos i went to gym with my cousin.. and went jacuzzi.. i need a break otherwise i will collaspe very fast.. i realised that nowadays health is getting weaker and weaker.. i need to train up, otherwise i will faint down sooner or later..

on the 12 of Aug, my cousin woke me up ard 10plus.. Did a bit of brush up, we went to kbox at Jurong central... After tat we head to IMM to buy some snacks as lunch.. Ard 4 plus, i head home..

Conclusion for the month..
These few months, a lot of things happened.. i dun dare to ask anyone to stand in my position. Everyone tot tat i had recovered. I not a machine, every moment will be there crack a joke or trying to said something that will please you. I don't know how to explain how my dramatic mood happened. I dun know how to tell you how i feel about everything that occuring around me. Who can understand how i feel now? Guess nobody does that including myself. When grandpa passed away, i tot i can stand firm.. in the end, i can't even stand firm myself.. i collaspe in front of shifu and yiying and some of my gd friends.. Bulldog jio me go chiong bcos i want to go for a drink.. shifu received some weird msg from me.. What he and korkor does to me?? Neither a phonecall nor a msg. Seriously, this two persons used to be very closed with me, now all of us had bcome stranger. I dun even know how to face them.. not a single of courage. I can't deny, i cried for them before. How i met him? A phonecall when i cried.. that is how we started.. I still remembered that nite vividly.. korkor left me with 10 voicemail scolding me.. and i cried.. he is the one listening to me..

Nanny.. i dunno whether u still can remember that i watched the click.. i cried until very jialat. i did not tell you the truth.. i feel the pain inside my heart. i did not learn to cherish things in front of me often.. i feel really painful on that moment when i saw him passed away. These few years, i been seeing pple walking out of my life.. that day when mummy fell down at genting, i tot i will lose her too..

senior told me before when the moment u stop mentioning abt him.. is when u really forget him.. why?? it had been so long.. yet i still dun have the courage to let go? i been wondering if one day he and his gf standing in front of me, how would i feel? Can i face it? why i want to pursue something which dun have any ending...

Can i stop crying for friendship? I really tired le.. one is someone who i used to love.. one is someone who is very close to me.. both of them know me too well.. do you tat.. whenever i broke the friendship which either one of you.. i will cried like a mad woman.. do u know how often i drop my tears bcos of you all.. when i lose my kins.. where are you all? or maybe i just making up an excuses to make me feel better.. one will check my homework.. will be there for me when i dun cried..
another one is will be there for me and protect me.. yet i am hurt.. why?? bcos of someone who i love.. or bcos of someone who take care of me...

Everything is my fault!

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