Sunday, August 13, 2006

on the 22 of July, after checking to hotel we went over to TImes Square for shopping.. After that we realise that was not what we want, we went to Sugnoi Wang (erm.. i forget how to spell le.. ).. When we are trying the clothes and busy shopping, we realise that omg.. we are late.. ard 8.30, we called a friend of ours that we will be late.. Hahaha.. they are on time while we are late.. Luckily, i got a m'sia sim card.. furthermore is very cheap, only $10 and can call back sg. I bought a cardigan and a skirt.. lol.. : P We faster rushed back to hotel to meet my colleagues. Guess wat, we were pretty late and we are stuck in the carnival.. omg..
Two cars waiting for us, they brought us to a japanese restuarant called fireworks. The environment there is decorated by fireworks poster. Those pple who knoes should know i like to watch fireworks, i will normally ask pple out to watch fireworks. The food there was not bad too but i still prefer sun with moon. After that, we were planning to go for drinking session but guess it was pretty late and therefore we head back to hotel. Guess wat 3 girls does? They went upstairs and put down their stuffs and head down for shopping spree again. Haha. Again, i bought a bag over there too... Ard 12 plus, we went back to hotel and take a quick bath. While waiting for the hair to dry, we were doing some chats.. : ) Ard 2plus, three of us knocked out. As we slept opposite ways of wat other pple does due to some fatal objects might dropped down in any moment. We pull out the blankets and just cover our ankles. But as the night grows darker, we feel more and more cold.. I woke up due to i am too cold, therefore i start to pull up the blanket a bit n nt affecting others.. tick tock.... tick tock.... 6am in the morning.. haha.. two of them already pull the blanket extremely up.. while.. i am feeling terrible cold.. lol.. :P ard 7am.. i still lazing on the bed.. while one of my friend woke up and brush up, preparing to go down and had breakfast..

On the 23 of July..
7.30am - Breakfast
8.30am - Back to hotel room for ladies... hehehee.. : )
9.00am - Lobby... waiting for departure...
9.05am - Broad the bus ...
9.15am - Reached sultan's place and took a pic with the horse.. hheehe..
10 plus - We went to Central Market and we bought 6 bracelets..
11 plus - We went to Mid-Valley. Over there is like a typical Singapore Shopping centre but is much more bigger than wat we have over here. They have Carrefour, California Gym, donut, kenny rogers, watson, faceshop, bodyshop and etc..
2 plus - We went to Times Square for lunch at Chicken Hertz, everything chicken.. erm.. the food there are so-so only.. After that we went to take a look at the indoor theme park and head to sungei wang for shopping spree again.. :)
5pm - We went to Chinatown.. wahaha.. of cos, i, auntie know how to bargain, if we dun bargain, sure very logi.. lol.. From a 65rm bag bargain till 25rm.. haha.. Good right?? Bcos i like to go pasa malam but nowadayd seldom bargain le.. :P Bought two bags there.. :)
7 plus - We went to have dinner, omg we just had lunched at 2 plus.. we are just trying to eat some..
8 plus - We are back to hotel room, guess wat of cos me this naughty girl dun wish to stay in hotel room for the night. We went out for window shopping and i need to change for money cos i spent too much le.. : P
10 plus - we are back to hotel room.. Pom Pom time...
12 plus - All knocked out le, bcos everyone are really very tired...

24 of July..
6 plus - We had already wake up and lazing on the bed..
7 plus - We start to pack up our stuffs..
8 plus - We went for breakfast and took some pics ard the hotel..
10 - We went back to hotel room.. trying to squeeze everything inside my lugguage and watch tv.. : )
11am - Is time to check out.. and leave KL..
11.30am - We went to a chocolate outlet. Guess wat i like the chocolate there a lot.. And i bought a lot of chocolate back.. 2 packets of Durians chocolate, 3 boxes of coffee, 1 packet of tirumisu and 1 packet of dark chocolate almond shared with another 2 person.. Total Cost of chocolate cost me : 170+RM.
12 plus - We went to somewhere nearby to take the pic of KLCC due to we do not have enuff time to visit there. Somemore the mati asked us faster go away.. guess it was due to the asian minister meeting helding somewhere near there...
1 plus - We went to mid-valley for lunch and we did some shopping also... i bought another 2 tshirts from there... lol...:P
2 plus - We head back to Singapore...
5 plus - We stopped at native product shop to buy local products.. Guess wat my friends need to purchase 3 sets.. one for her family, one for her bf's family and one for her colleagues. Omg!!!! She need two baskets to put all her stuffs.. :) Even the guys over there are teasing her whether she need another basket or not.. hehehe.. :P
6pm - We stopped over at a canteen there for dinner.. While other pple went down for dinner, we were busy packeting our stuffs. i think we had four bags of food and chocolate each?
9pm - We reached RH.. My friend's dad send another girl who stayed nearby home. While me waiting alone at RH for my dad. When my dad saw me, he stunned.. I had 3 bags of food.. one luggage.. omg..... :P

on the 25 of July
Back to work and i am extreme tired due to the long journey i had ytd. Somemore i worked OT till 9.. sob sob..

on the 26 - 28 of July..
All abt work and work..
26 of July, i went to learn how to make chocolate ice cream cake.. hahahaa.. the lesson is so boring.. no hands on... sigh~~~~~~~

28 of July, i went to watched pirates of carribean with one of my friends.. hehee.. it was a pretty nice movie... :)

on the 29 of July..
The starting of my new lesson DATASTAGE!!!! omg!!!! i dun understand the logic.. this is where my stress and pressure start to build up le.. one of my colleagues gave me a treat at delifrance.. so nice of him.. :) Ard 5 plus, i went back home and i don't know there is a surcharge of $2.. Shit!!! but anyway i am already very tired.. once i reached home i already knocked out.. Supposing there is a gathering at nite.. And i did said i don't want to go.. But ever since i start telling my gd friend tat i dun want to go.. of cos he tell my lao po... and the story goes on and on... i start to receive msgs from 5 pple asking me why i dun want to go and etc.. but i did tell my shifu.. i nt going.. I was extremely tired.. i didn't know that i can wake up at 7pm.. In the end, i rushed down to meet them.. but i am being held up by the jam due to NDP Preview.. Omg!! When i reached there is already 8.30.. hai~~~` not my fault ma.. firstly i really extremely tired due to travel and brainstorming lesson in the morning.. and i am stuck in traffic jam.. When i reached there.. i was being questioning.. so late!!! why never reply my msg!! why bluff me tat u nt coming !! and etc.. hai~~~~~~~~~ after tat went to take food with my lao po and gd friend.. hehee.. in the end, we had a good time over there.. :) After that we were wishy-washy, dunno where to go.. birthday boy wanted to go chiong but after a few obstacles, he choose to go home.. hehee.. all of us head home that day...

on the 30 of July, a day for myself.. seriously.. extremely tired.. .

on the 31 of July to 4 of Aug.. i can said i almost worked OT everyday.. except 1 of Aug, i went to meet a friend for movie. We went to watch lake house.. of cos my friend is complaining that i had nt been meeting her for 3 mths.. sigh~~~ as for korkor.. he complained worst.. he said if i dun meet him on sunday.. he will cut of ties with me... guess.. hai~~~~~~ 4 of Aug.. i reached home ard 9 plus.. nanny called me.. asking me whether i still keen to watch the movie or not.. of cos i want.. i need to relieve stress.. we went to watch click.. after tat, we went to esplande there for a short chat.. : )

On the 5 of Aug, the first day of firework.. i missed it.. by watching half of it.. in the end, i was being stuck in the traffic jam...

on the 6 of Aug, went to cousin's house at bukit panjang.. never tot tat i will came back home that late.. in the end, i did not meet korkor.. guess he is extremely angry with me.. i did nt catch up with him in this one year ba.. hai~~~~

on the 7 of aug, i went back to work.. haha..i stress until i cried.. jialat...

on the 8 of aug, i went to bugis after work with my friends.. we went to have japanese food..

... to be contiuned...

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