Wednesday, February 06, 2008

My last day in IRAS~~

hahahaa.. i had been working in iras since 14th nov 2005, now i am leaving iras on the 29th feb.. Wow.. this day only come once in every 4 years..

Working there for abt 27 months, dun asked me anything abt taxes cos i dun understand at all.. hahaa... Today i started to ask my colleagues who are my close friends in office a question. Will i be post back to iras again? hehee.. seriously, i dun mind to post back to iras to work.. hehee.. :P

first of all, they are all there.. then i can still continue to mix ard with them.. of cos when pple takes their bonus.. i will stand at a side envy them~~ no choice.. dun have a luck to find a perm job.. but i dun mind under probation period ba~~ anyway since i am going study in july le~~ i hope i can manage studies, having fun cum work well ba~~ and of cos i hope i will still keep in contact with my close collegues and friends..

seriously if u asked me whether do i bear to leave iras.. although i always complain about my boss.. hehee.. if iras willing to pay me a little bit more than my current one.. i will choose to stay there but the problem is when i tender.. there is no negiotation. haiz~~ :( i grown up from there de.. learn so many things there.. no matter is about work nor human relationship in office..

in a new environment,i had to pick up everything again.. from then.. i moved to a position called consultant.. haiz~~ which means i might be jumping from project to project.. can u imagine min is going to work as a vendor le? does it means i grown to be much more confident on myself or i grown much more mature or i grown to be more independent? erm~~ i dun even know it myself~~ really feel my confused abt moving to new company.. hopefully i will meet a nice boss tat i dun have a gap with him or her. of cos i will miss my buddis and lunch kakis in iras.. and friends that i met in iras.. :P

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