Friday, February 01, 2008

A few Good News to ANNOUNCE

I MIGHT BE CHANGING JOB SOON~~ AND TENDERING TMR~~ haha.. after two years, i finally decided to change job leh.. hahaa.. had been really struggling for so long then i decided to change job.. See whether my current company will counter offer me or not.. But after spoken to my director last nite, i realise that she will not counter offer me. Actually before i stepped into her room, i already knows her decision. She will not do anything but let me go.. hahaa.. she will compare the package here and there and said the current one is good.. As being a practical person, u will choose something that is much more better in short-term or in long-term~~ i think i will go for short-term ba~~ Inflation is going damn high~~ So look at money much more practical.. Think so much for wat..

NO MONEY ~~~ CANOT EVEN SURVIVE IN SG~~ SO~~~~ Choose something better lah~~~ Her pay like 5 times higher than me leh~~ if inflation too high, i cannot tahan with my current pay.. She going to support me arh? Talk rubbish~~ so.. dun compare.. do something is better than keep comparing~~~ ACTION IS BETTER THAN TALKING~~

2) My cousin found a new job.. haha.. Congras

3) Brother got his license.. haha.. first attempt pass..

Guess we going for celebration soon.. Hahahaaa.. Cheers..3 muskerteers tender le~~~ hahaa..

YTD was a lucky day for 3 of us.. :P

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