Sunday, February 17, 2008

My Primary School Gathering~~

Friday was just a normal day of working day. But of cos there were things that i pissed with. Hahaa.. When pple didn't teach u anything, yet they wants u to teach them back. Is that fair? Will i do that? My colleague was telling me why not i give them the skeleton how to build and let them do it themselves. Maybe that is a good idea, cos i can clear one or two days of leave. I will do that tml. :P Since tml morning, i still got two more session of briefing.. lol.. half a day each.. haha.. if tml morning, i kept my bag.. Will pple knows that i had come to work already? lol.. :P

After work, i went to mphosis sale with my colleagues.. Hahaha... Can't imagine that we stayed there for 3 hours.. Bcos of this shopping spree, i did not had my dinner, ended up i had supper at youth park kopitiam~~ lol.. :P Erm.. The food there was quite not bad, since this is my first time going there to makan. Of cos during my dinner.. my primary school's friends been calling me.. hehehe.. :P my colleague accompany me all the way to clarke quay then she headed to take train back hm, while i go to attend my primary's school gathering. Erm~~~ surprising not very shy, i hopefully i still can performs quite well in socialize? bcos i not gd at words lah`~ trying to much more friendly person nowadays~~ lol.. :P Guess we had a total of 11 of us excluding one of my friend's husband. hehee.. not much changes for me except not wearing glasses but put on weight le.. :P i did enjoy that nite.. thanks pals~~ for the gathering~~ They planning to have another one in march, but as for that, i had to consider first. I am going to start my new job in march,i might not be able to go ba~~

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