Monday, August 25, 2008


Woohoo~~ Of cos fireworks was something that i will not miss especially if there is anyone to accompany me to watch it. Wahaha.. Contiunously, i watched two fireworks shows. Yipee, this year fireworks were so fantastic. I simply just love it so much. On Sat, i got a very good view but seriously i am still a scary cat. While watching fireworks, i was starting to scare, what if i slipped and fall in somewhere near clifford pier there, how? What will happened and etc....... Opps, wondering is it because i am the only child at home, that's why i am this kind of thinking. I need to help my parents to think also mah..... Hahaha.. Or i am just finding an excuses for myself.

Friday, after work. Dad drove me to my ex-company to find my ex-colleagues. Hahaa.. Of cos is my ex-colleagues accompany to watch.. Arbo, still got who accompany me sia~~ lol.. :P Erm.. Had my dinner at vines.. Yummy, it had been so long that i ever eat that. I am starting to miss food over at novena, mainly because i had nothing much over at my workplace now except nasi lemak. OMG, i am so sick of nasi lemak, i will try my best to avoid that but the problem is i don't know what to eat. Guess the next coming month, i had to start to be much more thrify, time to mixed vegetable rice. :( for weight loss and save. Only once in a week, eat something good. Stop going out that often, try to stay home. But the problem is maybe nobody will ask me out cos everyone started to have their partners and busy life le. After my fireworks,i went to The Cathay, trying to catch Journey Over the Center of Earth. But the problem is no shows over there, ended up had to walk to cineleisure. Watched the last two matches of pingpong over at cineleisure kbox before went in to catch the movie. Seriously, i really like this movie. This is a movie must watched sia. If is converted to a 3D movie or 4D movie, i will go and catch it. But provided someone accompany. Omg, i realised i am really not independent at all. :( Sianz~~ After the movie, as usual, i had to wait for 1 hour for 4N. Haiz~~ SBS don't have enough drivers for night drivers, ended up it become i am suffering. OMG~~ I think i am commuters right, commuters should entitle for their own benefits right? Should be they trying ways to upgrade themselves right? Maybe if the market is not so bad now, i guess i most likely will hop onto a cab and go back home to sleep asap. Instead of spending one hour at the bus stop waiting for my bus. No choice lah, cheapskate!!!!! Wanted to take a $2.50 bus home, cos i am broke for the month. 1 4N = 2 others night riders... Why har? No traffic jam late at night leh? Most of the night riders took the same route, just that after selegie, most of the riders will go different ways. But i am waiting at midpoint ORCHARD leh? WTH~~~~ IRIS said 19 mins but the problem is aftr 19 mins, i still couldn't see 4N. -_-''' IRIS got bugs mah? or something is wrong with my network or even my phone sia? There is a point of time where it state, it can detect the next bus. -_-'''' Or is bcos 4N is very unlucky, it will suddenly disappear. Or why not change to something else? like 9N to replace 4N? So the waiting time can cut down to half an hour instead of an hour. Do you know is very poor thing to stand at the bus-stop late at night to wait for a bus that will never comes?

Due to the bus delay, i reached home around 3 plus. Wah Piang~~ I came out of the theatre at 1 plus. Ended up almost 2.30pm then the bus came. My friend had already reached home, while i just board bus. I woke up around 1 plus in the afternoon. I suppose to go airport to fetch a friend who just came back from aboard. Or considered as my good friend. But due to hongkong got typhoon, flight had been delayed again and again. Therefore i had been keep looking at the website to wait for the confirm time. Then i will leave home for the airport. Sad..... Only certain flights then it will state confirm. -_-''' Haiz~~ is i being too demanding? How come website will only indicate for some airlines. Some airlines will only stated delay .... (time), while some airlines will state confirm .... (time). Therefore, it mislead me lah, let me tot that is not confirmed. I don't dare to go out that early, furthermore is raining heavily outside. But my gd friend had reached before i reached sia. -_-''' feel so guilty sia~~~

Around evening time, i went to meet a friend for fireworks, as usual, i am late. Seriously before meeting my friend, i got such a complex feelings sia. That day, i suppose to meet friends for birthday celebration but i don't want to go that early. I even had the thoughts of not going at all. Erm..... I will not indicate who is this. Haha.. Otherwise things might get worst than i thought. One of my friend msg me telling me that they were at bugis too, wondering whether i will meet them for dinner or not. Of cos on the way walking to find my friend, i kept telling myself, i dun want to meet up with them sia. What is the reason behind that = secret. Wahahaha.. :P When i met up with my gf, i told her my friend had encountered a problem. But i guess most likely she knows is me, i trying so hard to shift to it to bcome someone else. I sounds very bad right, but no choice. She knows my cousins sia, don't want things to get worst. During the chatting with her, i realise there were a lot of things which i had never take note at all. I had never thought whether the things that i do will makes anyone unhappy or not or causes any misunderstanding or not. To me, friends are friends, regardless is guy or girl, isn't it the same? Since now is what generation already, i realise it might be different from my thinkings liao. From the talk with her, makes me think far a bit. But i didn't pick up someone calls, i was keep trying avoid it. I can sense that he is quite pissed off with it. I only reply my friend's msgs. I suppose to join them to eat no signboard seafood with them but i didn't go. I rather watched fireworks than eating. Haha.. :P He knows me so well sia, he said i loves fireworks. All of them had mistaken that i went to watch with my bf, of cos i didn't bother to explain so much already. I still reject his calls when i am watching fireworks. Hahaha.. :P Watching the fireworks cure the pain inside my heart. Very abnormal right? Haha.. Maybe i am not too deep yet? I still can put it out easily. Concentrate on my studies and work ba, don't ever think of that anymore. Supposing to meet up with a guy friend after the fireworks, haha.. i think once i told him i was with that gal.. He said is ok~~ next time ba~~ lol.. or maybe bcos someone never tag along with us, he felt disappointed? Wahaha.. Met up with the gal's friend. Hahaha.. The gal said i am bubbly gal. Erm.. Am i a bubbly gal? I started to ponder about it. Why they thinks i am a bubbly gal? Maybe they never see the side that i am sad before? Even the guy also said i am a bubbly gal sia.. Something is wrong sia, i didn't know i am a bubbly gal. Wahaha.. Or maybe bcos now i started to things easily, don't want to care so much. Maybe i should thanks niao ren for the training she had for me in my ex-company. We had anderson ice-cream over at marina square, after that we went to walk around. Of cos, i am puzzled why my phone never rings nor never received any sms from my friends lah. Haha.. See lah.. My heart had fled there yet still wants to lie to myself that i dun want to go. Saw my friend's gf previous sms le, then i bought a cake from chocoz before going over to find them. Haha.. She told me he had left already. Haha..
I said is ok, i just passed u all the cake then i will go back home. As usual, of cos being polite must called him, telling him i am going there now. See whether he still wants to join us or not. Never tot that, one of my friend who suddenly went missing call me. Asked me where i am, he need someone to talk to. -_-''''' Haha.. As usual lah, he never said anything, i already start to scold him. lol..:P till that he said he called me later. Tmd.. Walked from marina square to suntec to take bus, sian~~ that stupid bus-stop got so many insects.. sob sob.. Ended up i faster board a bus and walk to the place, that i suppose to meet them. Tmd.. dunno is bcos he angry with me or wat, tell me the wrong address.. ARGH~~ then i had to walk back again. when i met up with my friends, i called him and scold him sia~~ wahaha.. :P we bought some stuffs and go back to the room for a small celebration. stupid sia~~ they had been watching soccer but once in a while we changed channel. Saw The Eye, remind me that last time i went to watch a group of people sia~~ He good sia, i asked him to bring a lighter, yet in the end, he brings a lighter that doesn't work at all. Ended up me and my friend's gd had to go down and get it plus we bought some tim sum. Wahaha.. The tim sum not bad sia, i quite like it.. =p The cake got a bit screw up. maybe i too "chu lu le".. But the chocolate is too thick.. plus i got something bitter goes along with me sia~~ wah piang~~ so weird combination.. Hahah.. :P three of us had been playing dai dee till late morning, while my friend's gf already knock out. Win liao, i kept losing. :( drank quite a bit. tmd~~~ kana bully.. there is once i cheat, buahaha.... when he goes toliet, i changed his cards... Haha.. guess he knows lah, but just ignore me. Buahahaha.. He very good hor~~ haha.. too bad~~ pple already taken... haha.. i think towards the end, i started to sa jiao liao~~ haha... cos really starting to get tipsy.. haha... ended up.. all go sleep sia~~ my the other friend accompany me to chat for a while.. ended up all sleep liao~~ 3 piggy leh.. wah lau~~ i still said today morning, i need to go out.. haha.. ended up never sleep.. no lah.. i got sleep for a while, but dunno why i just wake up le. Cannot sleep.. then keep asking them to go eat macdonald breakfast but nobody cares for me. All contiunes to sleep.. :( Actually i had the tots of going off, i wanted to tell them. But.... I dunno why i just couldn't make myself to do that. Then ended up sit there lor~~ watch movies.. sian~~ haha.. he woke up and talk to me for a while, then he knocked out again.. haha.. seriously.. i dunno when this feelings come.. haha.. weird right.. something just goes very wrong ba~~ seriously.. i really thinks i am very xin fu inside the room.. i had this two good friends.. haha.. but maybe guess now i had lose both of them le ba... hahah.. another one is ok.. cos his gf is so friendly.. then of cos lah.. i keep using pillows to beat them.. haha.. next time cannot do it liao~~ later their gfs not happy~~ haha.. seriously.. dunno why.. maybe bcos both of them accompany me during my downtime at work ba~~ suddenly got the bonding with them ba~~ but too bad~~ things won't last long de.. 3 of us said before, hoping each of us will find our the other partner soon. Now 2 of them had found, i am happy for them. Haha.. Not that i am not close either one of them. Is just that my feelings went a bit haywire for the other person. I also don't know when it had bcomes to work in this way. But don't worry, i will make sure it will goes back the correct way to make sure things dun screw up again. Hahaa.. thanx for being there each time for me, hearing my grumbling when i just came back from hongkong. of cos i will never forget wat happened last year, after that day i had changed.. =p thanx for always looking after me.. today is really had bcome a memories that i will cherish it~~ thanx pals~~ guess after today, we will seldom meet up anymore.. i will cut the times that i joined u all. guess now i will try to find tons of excuses to avoid joining u all. but i will miss you all.. :) maybe that is one of the reason that i kept looking u all when u all are sleeping.. hehee.. =p i had an enjoyable night with you all, although is just a simple birthday celebration. Dun worry, i won't have this kind of celebration for my birthday. Guess by then, u all had already forgotten my birthday. And i might be busy with my studies lah. and forgets u all... otherwise later i started to dun bear to let go, how? Stuck with you all often.. Hahaa.. :P i dun want always be a lightbulb in between you all.. Hahaha.. Dun worry for me.. :) At least u all can go for double dates.. :) or think too much le~~ for me, i will let the nature takes the course.. :) haha.. if i got le.. u all dun bully him arh.. or 吓跑他wor.. later no pple wants me, how.. wahaha.. :P

hehe.. 我会很想念你们的。。你们一定要好好的疼爱她们wor.. 不过我相信你们一定会的。。放心我一当把我自己的心情收拾好来,我一定会从新再你们的面前出现的。我就让时间冲淡一切,当时间觉得我应该出现的时候,我就一定会出现的。 :)

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