Friday, August 29, 2008


haha.. actually wants to blog about food.. ended up no mood..
sian~~~ afternoon drink tea + coffee.. then just now went to drink coffee bean~~ omg.. today i took too much of caffine~~ omg~~ cannot sleep liao~~

haha.. seriously this week.. i really did something weird sia~~ haha.. had lunch with my long lost friend.. then just now i had coffee with my cousins..

as for my long lost friend.. of cos, it had been a long long time that i really talk to her..

as for my cousins.. haha.. even worst.. i seldom talk to them.. this consider as long talk ba? or ?????

haha.. of cos after i come back from my coffee drinking session.. saw some emails floating in my mail box.. the first one i saw for the gathering.. i almost wants to puke blood or so called i want to straggle pple liao... ARGH~~ u better dun let me see u at the gathering.. FINE~~ we shall fight.. see how will wins.. haha.... :P diao~~ had a short chat with my friend online.. he saw the email.. he said.. "Why both of u fight? You two ma chiam like couple.. " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the problem we are not.. furthermore he got gf de.. he just wants to irritate me.. or he scare i nobody wants.. wants me faster find a bf.. so i won't disturb..

FINE LOR~~ I GOT BF.. and I AM ATTACHED~~ hahaa.. just tat i never tell u only.. wahaha.. :P

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