Monday, April 27, 2009



damn disappointed with the service tat they provided me.. hahaa.. is i understand the system works too well or is it bcos i am pissed off with the sum of amount that is being deducted. Hahahaa.. to be frank, i am just pissed off with the system on how it works. If you are telling me that, i had received a letter that the debts will be deducted through CPF. I will not be so pissed off. Hahaa.. What to do.. That's the way how government do things. Today morning i called in and talk to the officer. Haahaa.. She insisted that i had received the letter. The problem is hor~ Maybe she is too dumb or she pretended to be dumb, which a lot of people choose this method. Hahahaa.. :P If i had received the letter ages ago, why didn't i call in to ask about this matter or to clarify this method. Instead of now then i called in to ask about this matter. Haiz~~ I am utterly disappointed with the services that iras provides me. Are you trying to tell me there is a flaw in your system or CPF system or Sing Post, which lead us that we never received the letters from you? If you had tried to recovering the debts since 2006, why aren't we received any letters from any agencies regarding this matter? As stated inside IRAS website, the letter will only be send out to one owner even though the property is own by multiple owners. But the lady officer who i talk to said that we should received a remainder letter. Confusing right? Isn't there is a conflict between what you had said and with what you had indicated in your website?

First, i would like to said that this lady who i spoke to. Thinks that she is always right. How do i know that? I know you are sad that this sum of money is deducting from your dad's account. This is assumption, which is wrong. As a customer service officer, how can you make assumption? If what you said is correct, why i didn't i called in to iras since 2006, instead of wait until 2009? You said during these 3 years, IRAS had took multiple actions to recover the debts. But, it doesn't seems to work. It seems like IRAS is not reciprocate enough to recover the debts. Is only when CPF informed them, then they took the action to recover the sum money. CPF money is help Taxpayer or Singaporeans like us to tide through their retirement. Now it seems like CPF money is to repay other government agency, instead of for retirement.

For example, a poor guy worked for 55 years old. He only allowed to withdraw around 6k from his CPF account. Ended up, IRAS took 4.9k from him. Therefore he only left ard 1.1k. Is this enough for his retirement? Not at all. What about those people with bank account who are much more richer than him? The poor guy dun even had a bank account lor~~ hahaa... this poor guy destiny to be poor. Even government also dun let him off to have a little savings for his rainy days as he is getting older each year.

I am so disappointed rather than sad. So the customer officer, don't assume it when you don't know it. Don't act smart when you are not.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


haiz~~ recently met a dilemma problem.. haiz~~ this is a tackle problem.. which i dun even know how to solve.. haiz~~ quite useless hor~~ so old liao~ yet still cannot handle this kind of problem.. haiz~~ sian!!! is worst than my work.. hahaahaaa..

Friday, April 24, 2009


hahahaa.. Surprisingly... After one year plus hor~~ i had this kind of thinking..

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


haiz~~~ sian~~ ytd just had my exams, what the hell.. This paper is damn screw up, i think i am gone for this paper... haiz~~ before my exams, i had a premonition that all my friends passed for this module and i am the only failure. haiz~~ guess this going to happen.. haiz~~ this paper is indeed a screw up for me sia~~ haiz~~ i always tot my maths is good.. BUT WAT THE HELL.. such a disappointment..i dunno how to do linear graph~~~ KILL ME BA~~ haiz~~ sian~~ had to face the facts.. 1.6k flyaway.. now still need to face the facts, i am going to fail.. haiz~~ sian~~ next time nobody accompany me to study le~~ haiz~~ so sian~~

min arh min.. U ARE SUCH A DISGRACE SIA!!!!

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Hahahaaaa.. After i had changed company for 1 years plus, i attended a company event today. Pretty Surprise? I feel home over here. Hahaa.. :P But i need to brush up my communication skills and confidence plus my connection.

Erm, any regrets of joining yr current company? or thinking to change of career path or thinking of looking for a new job opportunities. Hahaa... At the moment, i guess nope. I am contented with what i had now. Sometimes dun be greedy; when you asked for more, for me: i will always fall down and hurt myself. Wahahahaa.... Seems like very pessmistic. Life is like a roller coaster, there is always ups and down, otherwise u will NEVER learn to cherish or to be contented with what you had in life.

Of cos, in every job, there is politics, depends on whether is it obvious or not obvious. But i guess i choose to ignore it. As for currently, i just hopes to finish my studies co-currently doing at a moderate standard of my work. But of cos, is not easy to handle, especially based on my mischievous character. Sometimes work too hard, i would like to go for a break. But the leave that i took every month, is making damn pai sei.. I will try to compensate whenever i am not schooling. Maybe my boss do not knows that sometimes i tend to work late to get my things completed. Just like when you reach office early, everybody will knows. When you are last person to left the office, nobody will knows. But i think my immediate supervisor knows that, sometimes i will work until very late. There are times he told me, "Don't always work until so late." Erm, as for pple who knows me when i am working at my previous company. I had a sulken face each time i come out with my brothers, and each time, i will drag them to sit down to chat and complain as much as i can. But now i cut down on my complain. Haahahaa.. Sometimes when you been through the rainy days, you will learn to grow a bit. Each time a rainy day come, is a challenge. Once you overcome the challenge, you will become stronger each time. I am still trying to learn to be stronger and independent. I know this path is hard but i believe my hao jie mei and my brothers will be at my side when i need them? hahaahaa.. :P

Sunday, April 12, 2009

A Dream~~

Wahahahaa.. Korkor confirm will said me de.. u know hor~~ i dreamt of him calling me.. and in the end, i went to buy 4d.. TMD!!!!!! this 4 digits came out 1st price but i never strike~~ -_-''''' haiz~~~ cos the position incorrect.. haiz~~ no luck~~ is it bcos it will never happen to us.. he will nt call me.. whaahaha.. am i still missing him~~ or he had a placed in my heart.. maybe is used to have ba~~ now is no longer le~~

Let me dream of someone else better.. hahaa.. :P rather than "him"...

Erm.. one of my buddies having operation on monday~~ is a small operation.. everything will be fine~~ hopefully his feelings will be the same also ba~~

last wk, my colleague just had an operation.. now in the progress of recovering.. hehee.. she very sweet de.. sometimes she will make sushi and treat us eat.. but hor~~ she gt a lot of funny ideas~~ next time gt chance, take the photo of my plushies in office...

hahahaa.. of cos, exam is coming le~~ hopefully, i won't screw up this time~~ things will be better..

supposely, this weekend, i should be at KL!!!! my friend actually wanted to sponsor me air-tickets cum accomdation~~ hahaa..but hor~~ dunno.. just dun have the "trust" but hor~~ i should have trust her~~ erm.. actually maybe is nt abt trust ba~~ guess is bcos of my mum's hand~~ haiz~~ her hand getting worst~~~ maybe down the road, still haven recover~~ i will bring her to genting first~~ then persuade her to go for operation~~ cos... she can't hardly open her hand.. she can't take heavy stuffs~~ the doctor said is bcos of nerve.. is either go for operation or injection.. haiz~~ i actually also dun really know wat is happening~~ cos recently been busy with studies.. hadn't really spend time together with her and bring her to see doctor~~ haiz~~

Monday, April 06, 2009

My Good Friend...

hahaha.. I am happy for my good friend.. but luckily she never tell me on April Fool, otherwise i might take it as a joke. Hehee.. :P

Although i dun have siblings, dun have the joy to countdown to my baby niece or nephew.. But hor.. i will countdown to my gd friend's baby.. hahaha.. very dramatically, last time we are not so close.. ever since when we bcome so close arh.. hahaaha.. i also dunno leh.. :P

hahaa.. pple ard me are happily in relationship.. suddenly, i feel so lonely sia~~ hahaa.. maybe work and study can help me to wash away this feeling ba~~ maybe i really fated to be nun.. cos even now i am in a relationship hor~~ i also dunno hw to handle it.. most imptly.. my the other half must accept my brothers.. hahaa... they are my closest pals, include my this going to be mother.. :P

last weekend.. although i chionging my assignments, i still met up with my brothers they all.. heheee.. just a relaxing weekend with them... we had ichiban sushi and after that we went down to minds cafe~~ hahaa.. this is the first time, i been there wor~~ heheee.. :P not bad~~ quite fun.. :P

i didn't know there is an escalator near the museum there.. surprising right.. haahahaaa.. :P i realise that a lot of couples like to go museum to pa toh.. why arh? hahaa.. i am not there to pa toh..just happen to pass by there.....