Monday, April 27, 2009



damn disappointed with the service tat they provided me.. hahaa.. is i understand the system works too well or is it bcos i am pissed off with the sum of amount that is being deducted. Hahahaa.. to be frank, i am just pissed off with the system on how it works. If you are telling me that, i had received a letter that the debts will be deducted through CPF. I will not be so pissed off. Hahaa.. What to do.. That's the way how government do things. Today morning i called in and talk to the officer. Haahaa.. She insisted that i had received the letter. The problem is hor~ Maybe she is too dumb or she pretended to be dumb, which a lot of people choose this method. Hahahaa.. :P If i had received the letter ages ago, why didn't i call in to ask about this matter or to clarify this method. Instead of now then i called in to ask about this matter. Haiz~~ I am utterly disappointed with the services that iras provides me. Are you trying to tell me there is a flaw in your system or CPF system or Sing Post, which lead us that we never received the letters from you? If you had tried to recovering the debts since 2006, why aren't we received any letters from any agencies regarding this matter? As stated inside IRAS website, the letter will only be send out to one owner even though the property is own by multiple owners. But the lady officer who i talk to said that we should received a remainder letter. Confusing right? Isn't there is a conflict between what you had said and with what you had indicated in your website?

First, i would like to said that this lady who i spoke to. Thinks that she is always right. How do i know that? I know you are sad that this sum of money is deducting from your dad's account. This is assumption, which is wrong. As a customer service officer, how can you make assumption? If what you said is correct, why i didn't i called in to iras since 2006, instead of wait until 2009? You said during these 3 years, IRAS had took multiple actions to recover the debts. But, it doesn't seems to work. It seems like IRAS is not reciprocate enough to recover the debts. Is only when CPF informed them, then they took the action to recover the sum money. CPF money is help Taxpayer or Singaporeans like us to tide through their retirement. Now it seems like CPF money is to repay other government agency, instead of for retirement.

For example, a poor guy worked for 55 years old. He only allowed to withdraw around 6k from his CPF account. Ended up, IRAS took 4.9k from him. Therefore he only left ard 1.1k. Is this enough for his retirement? Not at all. What about those people with bank account who are much more richer than him? The poor guy dun even had a bank account lor~~ hahaa... this poor guy destiny to be poor. Even government also dun let him off to have a little savings for his rainy days as he is getting older each year.

I am so disappointed rather than sad. So the customer officer, don't assume it when you don't know it. Don't act smart when you are not.

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