Saturday, April 18, 2009


Hahahaaaa.. After i had changed company for 1 years plus, i attended a company event today. Pretty Surprise? I feel home over here. Hahaa.. :P But i need to brush up my communication skills and confidence plus my connection.

Erm, any regrets of joining yr current company? or thinking to change of career path or thinking of looking for a new job opportunities. Hahaa... At the moment, i guess nope. I am contented with what i had now. Sometimes dun be greedy; when you asked for more, for me: i will always fall down and hurt myself. Wahahahaa.... Seems like very pessmistic. Life is like a roller coaster, there is always ups and down, otherwise u will NEVER learn to cherish or to be contented with what you had in life.

Of cos, in every job, there is politics, depends on whether is it obvious or not obvious. But i guess i choose to ignore it. As for currently, i just hopes to finish my studies co-currently doing at a moderate standard of my work. But of cos, is not easy to handle, especially based on my mischievous character. Sometimes work too hard, i would like to go for a break. But the leave that i took every month, is making damn pai sei.. I will try to compensate whenever i am not schooling. Maybe my boss do not knows that sometimes i tend to work late to get my things completed. Just like when you reach office early, everybody will knows. When you are last person to left the office, nobody will knows. But i think my immediate supervisor knows that, sometimes i will work until very late. There are times he told me, "Don't always work until so late." Erm, as for pple who knows me when i am working at my previous company. I had a sulken face each time i come out with my brothers, and each time, i will drag them to sit down to chat and complain as much as i can. But now i cut down on my complain. Haahahaa.. Sometimes when you been through the rainy days, you will learn to grow a bit. Each time a rainy day come, is a challenge. Once you overcome the challenge, you will become stronger each time. I am still trying to learn to be stronger and independent. I know this path is hard but i believe my hao jie mei and my brothers will be at my side when i need them? hahaahaa.. :P

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