Sunday, November 28, 2004

today after my work.. .went out with my pig and dog friends... actually wanted to go cut my hair... i also duno should i cut it short.. just want to feel more refreshing... wanted to cut it or maybe trim ba... cos my hair also not very long.. but when we reached jean yip.. they already closed for the day... before that went to pizza hut to eat pizzas.. hehe.. long time never so enjoy liao.. hardly can eat things which i like... but now i am totally broke... after that we went back home...actually i dun really feel like going home so early.. bcos is saturday nite.. no choice.. they want to go back.. then go back lah.. tomorrow most probably i going to meet them again.. hai~~~

today passby orchard before i on my way going back home.. thinking back about wat had happened during the whole year... heart suddenly feel so painful.. maybe bcos this year been playing too much.. and hurt myself during those complicated stuffs.. but i am proud of myself this time round.. i did not let my cousin down.. i promise myself i must study hard..then i will not let him down.. i really very satisfy with my results liao.. no regret.. hopefully this year everyone will have a happy merry christmas... counting down to my aunt coming back and christmas and new year n my cousin wedding.. so many things going to happen week after week... erm... he also coming back soon... i wondering how would both of react? i send some icq msgs but he never reply me.. i wondering wat had happened to him.

haha.. today my friend ask me a question during my dinner time.. she says you got bf liao right.. haha... the answer is no... jus friends... :P

Friday, November 26, 2004 had been a long long time that i ever update my blog.. last sat.. i went out with my cousin.. we went to HAN's to have our dinner.. after that we went to TCC... lolo :P this is the first time i try out lasgasna(spelling error).. wow.. shiok.. really nice.. i like it a lot.. so cheesy... lalala ... :P after that i accompany my cousin to take train to jurong.. and someone is waiting for me.. hehe.. :p he is complaining that i am always late.. erm.. can says that lah.. everytime i meet him... i am always late.. he is always the one waiting for me.. lalaa... sunday arh... hai~~ stayed at home.. n my aunt brought granny come over to stay with us... again.. i met my cousin.. we share our relationship problems... haha.. erm.. am i in love ??? haha.. if jiefu saw this.. he going to faint.. bcos he says i been crying for the past one week... how can i be in love.... erm.. i also duno.. monday... went back to cartel to work liao lor.. erm.. .not bad.. quite fun.. quite enjoy.. time passes easily.. not like when i doing attachment... i still prefer my part time.. time passes easily lor.. not so bored... tuesday arh.. face the pc whole day and figure out how to use freehand.. hai~~~ it really give me a big problem... today.. i got my result.. i love it so much.. so happy... :P

btw, louis's friend aka my another kor called me up yesterday.. haha.. erm.. tot of having a gathering with him.. so long never met him.. he also told me bonganles changed name already... hai~~ use to be my favourite place wor.. now leh?? erm.. someone also left me 3 weeks le.. so fast... at first a bit not use to it... now get use to it liao... my aunt coming back in 2 weeks time wor... so fast... maybe when i get my pay... going to get something for myself.. hehe.. wat should i get for myself leh... a handphone or baby -G .. lolo....

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

hai~~~ been working at gain city for the past 11 days.. today i am super shag.. even my boss talking to me.. i also felt like sleeping.. erm.. is really a small company.. but... i need to help out to do database for his customer.. and i am send to his customer pet shop to help out to set up the database for the website for shopping cart.. i will be cooperating with another of my fellow school mates.. hehe.. today is the first day i know her.. i saw her before in school.. erm.. she is a very kind-hearted girl and socialable... while compare to her.. i am still very shy.. i dun really dare much to my boss.. he asked wat.. i answer wat.. erm.. tomorrow is going to be my first day working at the petshop.. i dunno whether it will be disastrous or not.. i need to work there for 12 weeks to complete the attachment and going back to school.. i dunno can tahan or not.. haha.. but got dear.. says he will support me.. hehe.. my relationship with him is on and off... erm... when my friends read this post... they will stunned.. hahaha.. i really duno wat i wants...

11 days at gain city... let me learn a lot of things.. how to handle feelings.. how to control my temper... how to forget him.. how to keep myself busy.. how to improve my relationship.. wow... can u believe that i can learnt so many things.. hahaha.. bcos i am too tired every day to think of other stuffs.. only work and work and sleep.. no time to quarrel.. no time to think... maybe this weekend jio my cousin come out.. ask her for opinion.. erm.. he had been away for almost two weeks liao wor... i scared he dunno how to take care of himself... he is like me.. only child but he is more indepedent.. everything is he take care of me... not i take care of him.. when i got problems.. he always help me solve.. and he seldom says no to me.. when he says no to me.. is when i did something wrong....... i.... duno..

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

hai~~~ i type out liao.. then press the wrong key.. everything is gone.. so sian to re-type everything out.. these few days i got the urged to update my blog but i did not done it.. haha..

thursday, i wake up dann early which i didn't expected... wednesday is my last paper.. actually wanted to go out to celebrate but in the end.. at home watched tv and sleep... i was very tired and shag... when i opened my eyes on that morning... i saw there is a msg on my hp.. it is from him.. n is only a msg send a few mins ago.. he asked me to take care... i called up him immediately.. he... lied to me again.. he was at the airport.. he didn't want to tell me where he go or when he is coming back.. i didn't feel good at all... tears been dropping down... but i dun think he will know ba.. in the afternoon, i went to malaysia with mother... hai~~~ it was rainy day.. everywhere was flooded.. somemore we dun have any umberalla.. i am stuck in the rain.. we went to city square to shop and eat.. hai~~ after that we went to my aunt's place to take my modem disc.. or else i cannot come online liao.. on my way going there.. i sms disturb poor tian tian who is still revising his studies at NTU.. then asked him send me home... since we are so near only.. hahaha.. :P couldn't believe it.. he agreed.... but i decline the good offer and take bus home.. hahaa..

friday, i went back to GC to work.. hai~~ sian.. but the building is dann beautiful... dunno why this time round.. everything is so different.. so boring.. but time passes quite fast... after that i went to compass point with kaiwong n guoxiong... had my dinner and went to bedok to meet my parents.. end up reaching home at 12..

sat n sun had been a busy day for me to entertain customers and my cashier does not tally.. hai~~~

mon.. so slack till nothing to do.. hai~~~ but luckily everything tally.. at nite i went to yiying's chalet with kaiwong.. lolo.. :P when i reached there.. i looked for joanna and went up to find her immediately.. cos i am not that type of sociable.. so paiseh to see yiying's friend.. therefore ... run fast.. hehee.. so i hide in the room until i saw the guys they all come back liao... we had a crazy nite.. fighting for pillows, blanket, singing mickey mouse song.. haha.. end up 4 plus then sleep.. but jiefu will be angry if he saw this.. cos i told him.. 2 plus i go koonz liao.. hahaha .. :P i wake up at 6 plus to go back home and bath and go to work.. but too bad today i am late for 1 hour.. my collegue lagi more worst than me.. hehee :P heng.. never get scolding...

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

tomorrow i am having my last paper.. till now i still haven study.. omg... this is wat i can says to myself.. i have been so slack.. hai~ just now i called him.. i was so surprise that he will pick up the phone... he told me he went to collect tickets.. wohoo.. he is leaving on thursday.. will he has the same feeling when last year i leave singapore... yesterday i had a dreamt... i dream of i going to australia again.. haha... maybe it is going to be truth.. i might be leaving sg for a while.. haha.. but it is impossible.. maybe next year ba.. this year work had taken most of my time.... tat time jiefu asked me.... do u know that u like him... haha.. i dunno.. i jus know i dependent on pple a lot.. and i dunno how to differentiate wat is like nor love nor friendship.. jus wants to maintain that simple friendship ba... he always dun believe that i had a bf... erm.. not bf ba.. jus friends around me.. when i started relationship.. it is always ended very fast cos i duno wat i wants.. that's why i rather be your friend forever.. but sometime i like to di siao.. i says i miss him.. hahaa... he is so scared.... lolo... :P i really miss u as a friend.. bcos u been through with me so much.. u had always been lending a ear when i need it the most.. tat time when i went to aus.. i really miss you so much.. the day before i leave.. i wanted to hint you about it.. but... i know u just want to deny it.. i called u before the plane took off... i know u are awake.. u jus dun want to pick up and avoid me... when i came back.. i wanted to call you... bcos it had really bcome a habit of mine.. to talk to you everyday.. you had bcome part of my life... no matter where i am... u will be there for me.. now u had left me.. but memories will accompany to walk through it... n happiness is on the way finding me.. dun worry for me... i might start a relationship soon wor.. hehe.. :P thanks.. my buddy... i miss you..