Sunday, November 28, 2004

today after my work.. .went out with my pig and dog friends... actually wanted to go cut my hair... i also duno should i cut it short.. just want to feel more refreshing... wanted to cut it or maybe trim ba... cos my hair also not very long.. but when we reached jean yip.. they already closed for the day... before that went to pizza hut to eat pizzas.. hehe.. long time never so enjoy liao.. hardly can eat things which i like... but now i am totally broke... after that we went back home...actually i dun really feel like going home so early.. bcos is saturday nite.. no choice.. they want to go back.. then go back lah.. tomorrow most probably i going to meet them again.. hai~~~

today passby orchard before i on my way going back home.. thinking back about wat had happened during the whole year... heart suddenly feel so painful.. maybe bcos this year been playing too much.. and hurt myself during those complicated stuffs.. but i am proud of myself this time round.. i did not let my cousin down.. i promise myself i must study hard..then i will not let him down.. i really very satisfy with my results liao.. no regret.. hopefully this year everyone will have a happy merry christmas... counting down to my aunt coming back and christmas and new year n my cousin wedding.. so many things going to happen week after week... erm... he also coming back soon... i wondering how would both of react? i send some icq msgs but he never reply me.. i wondering wat had happened to him.

haha.. today my friend ask me a question during my dinner time.. she says you got bf liao right.. haha... the answer is no... jus friends... :P

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