Wednesday, November 10, 2004

hai~~~ i type out liao.. then press the wrong key.. everything is gone.. so sian to re-type everything out.. these few days i got the urged to update my blog but i did not done it.. haha..

thursday, i wake up dann early which i didn't expected... wednesday is my last paper.. actually wanted to go out to celebrate but in the end.. at home watched tv and sleep... i was very tired and shag... when i opened my eyes on that morning... i saw there is a msg on my hp.. it is from him.. n is only a msg send a few mins ago.. he asked me to take care... i called up him immediately.. he... lied to me again.. he was at the airport.. he didn't want to tell me where he go or when he is coming back.. i didn't feel good at all... tears been dropping down... but i dun think he will know ba.. in the afternoon, i went to malaysia with mother... hai~~~ it was rainy day.. everywhere was flooded.. somemore we dun have any umberalla.. i am stuck in the rain.. we went to city square to shop and eat.. hai~~ after that we went to my aunt's place to take my modem disc.. or else i cannot come online liao.. on my way going there.. i sms disturb poor tian tian who is still revising his studies at NTU.. then asked him send me home... since we are so near only.. hahaha.. :P couldn't believe it.. he agreed.... but i decline the good offer and take bus home.. hahaa..

friday, i went back to GC to work.. hai~~ sian.. but the building is dann beautiful... dunno why this time round.. everything is so different.. so boring.. but time passes quite fast... after that i went to compass point with kaiwong n guoxiong... had my dinner and went to bedok to meet my parents.. end up reaching home at 12..

sat n sun had been a busy day for me to entertain customers and my cashier does not tally.. hai~~~

mon.. so slack till nothing to do.. hai~~~ but luckily everything tally.. at nite i went to yiying's chalet with kaiwong.. lolo.. :P when i reached there.. i looked for joanna and went up to find her immediately.. cos i am not that type of sociable.. so paiseh to see yiying's friend.. therefore ... run fast.. hehee.. so i hide in the room until i saw the guys they all come back liao... we had a crazy nite.. fighting for pillows, blanket, singing mickey mouse song.. haha.. end up 4 plus then sleep.. but jiefu will be angry if he saw this.. cos i told him.. 2 plus i go koonz liao.. hahaha .. :P i wake up at 6 plus to go back home and bath and go to work.. but too bad today i am late for 1 hour.. my collegue lagi more worst than me.. hehee :P heng.. never get scolding...

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