Tuesday, November 02, 2004

tomorrow i am having my last paper.. till now i still haven study.. omg... this is wat i can says to myself.. i have been so slack.. hai~ just now i called him.. i was so surprise that he will pick up the phone... he told me he went to collect tickets.. wohoo.. he is leaving on thursday.. will he has the same feeling when last year i leave singapore... yesterday i had a dreamt... i dream of i going to australia again.. haha... maybe it is going to be truth.. i might be leaving sg for a while.. haha.. but it is impossible.. maybe next year ba.. this year work had taken most of my time.... tat time jiefu asked me.... do u know that u like him... haha.. i dunno.. i jus know i dependent on pple a lot.. and i dunno how to differentiate wat is like nor love nor friendship.. jus wants to maintain that simple friendship ba... he always dun believe that i had a bf... erm.. not bf ba.. jus friends around me.. when i started relationship.. it is always ended very fast cos i duno wat i wants.. that's why i rather be your friend forever.. but sometime i like to di siao.. i says i miss him.. hahaa... he is so scared.... lolo... :P i really miss u as a friend.. bcos u been through with me so much.. u had always been lending a ear when i need it the most.. tat time when i went to aus.. i really miss you so much.. the day before i leave.. i wanted to hint you about it.. but... i know u just want to deny it.. i called u before the plane took off... i know u are awake.. u jus dun want to pick up and avoid me... when i came back.. i wanted to call you... bcos it had really bcome a habit of mine.. to talk to you everyday.. you had bcome part of my life... no matter where i am... u will be there for me.. now u had left me.. but memories will accompany to walk through it... n happiness is on the way finding me.. dun worry for me... i might start a relationship soon wor.. hehe.. :P thanks.. my buddy... i miss you..

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