Friday, November 26, 2004 had been a long long time that i ever update my blog.. last sat.. i went out with my cousin.. we went to HAN's to have our dinner.. after that we went to TCC... lolo :P this is the first time i try out lasgasna(spelling error).. wow.. shiok.. really nice.. i like it a lot.. so cheesy... lalala ... :P after that i accompany my cousin to take train to jurong.. and someone is waiting for me.. hehe.. :p he is complaining that i am always late.. erm.. can says that lah.. everytime i meet him... i am always late.. he is always the one waiting for me.. lalaa... sunday arh... hai~~ stayed at home.. n my aunt brought granny come over to stay with us... again.. i met my cousin.. we share our relationship problems... haha.. erm.. am i in love ??? haha.. if jiefu saw this.. he going to faint.. bcos he says i been crying for the past one week... how can i be in love.... erm.. i also duno.. monday... went back to cartel to work liao lor.. erm.. .not bad.. quite fun.. quite enjoy.. time passes easily.. not like when i doing attachment... i still prefer my part time.. time passes easily lor.. not so bored... tuesday arh.. face the pc whole day and figure out how to use freehand.. hai~~~ it really give me a big problem... today.. i got my result.. i love it so much.. so happy... :P

btw, louis's friend aka my another kor called me up yesterday.. haha.. erm.. tot of having a gathering with him.. so long never met him.. he also told me bonganles changed name already... hai~~ use to be my favourite place wor.. now leh?? erm.. someone also left me 3 weeks le.. so fast... at first a bit not use to it... now get use to it liao... my aunt coming back in 2 weeks time wor... so fast... maybe when i get my pay... going to get something for myself.. hehe.. wat should i get for myself leh... a handphone or baby -G .. lolo....

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