Tuesday, November 16, 2004

hai~~~ been working at gain city for the past 11 days.. today i am super shag.. even my boss talking to me.. i also felt like sleeping.. erm.. is really a small company.. but... i need to help out to do database for his customer.. and i am send to his customer pet shop to help out to set up the database for the website for shopping cart.. i will be cooperating with another of my fellow school mates.. hehe.. today is the first day i know her.. i saw her before in school.. erm.. she is a very kind-hearted girl and socialable... while compare to her.. i am still very shy.. i dun really dare much to my boss.. he asked wat.. i answer wat.. erm.. tomorrow is going to be my first day working at the petshop.. i dunno whether it will be disastrous or not.. i need to work there for 12 weeks to complete the attachment and going back to school.. i dunno can tahan or not.. haha.. but got dear.. says he will support me.. hehe.. my relationship with him is on and off... erm... when my friends read this post... they will stunned.. hahaha.. i really duno wat i wants...

11 days at gain city... let me learn a lot of things.. how to handle feelings.. how to control my temper... how to forget him.. how to keep myself busy.. how to improve my relationship.. wow... can u believe that i can learnt so many things.. hahaha.. bcos i am too tired every day to think of other stuffs.. only work and work and sleep.. no time to quarrel.. no time to think... maybe this weekend jio my cousin come out.. ask her for opinion.. erm.. he had been away for almost two weeks liao wor... i scared he dunno how to take care of himself... he is like me.. only child but he is more indepedent.. everything is he take care of me... not i take care of him.. when i got problems.. he always help me solve.. and he seldom says no to me.. when he says no to me.. is when i did something wrong....... i.... duno..

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