Thursday, May 19, 2005

so fast another week past... haha... wat did i do for the past few days??? erm.. friday... i should be at home...but i met Carina n Kim at Parkway PArade!! (if i didn't remember wrongly.. )

As for Saturday, i went to work.. As usual, i am late... haha... after that went to meet my cousin for dinner.. AGAIN.. i am LATE... hai~~~ MUST CHANGE ARH!!! After tat.. went to meet joanna n her friends... and gary n his friends.. omg... so weird... erm... ended i reached home ard
12 plus.. Some one actually going to fetch me home.. but due to rain.. hai~~~

Sunday.. went down to orchard AGAIN... to accompany my cousin to buy MP3 PLAYER.. OMG.. after tat i went to jurong with her... spent the whole day to convert song from cd to mp3... hai~~ ended.. reached home ard 11plus.. but still not solve yet.. promise to help her out again...

Monday... wake up quite late.... went to the bank.. wtf.. someone cut my queue... shit... hai~~ waited for abt half an hour... hai~~~ later... take bus down to ORCHARD AGAIN!!! then to JURONG!!! Faster finish faster come back hm... hehehe.. daddy bought durains... lolo... ard 11 plus.. went to meet king kong.. haha.. wanted to take disc from him... after tat went for a spin.. and date leo ah-kor out... haha... when we were on the way.... surprise tat he told us someone else was going to join us... reached here ard 1plus... then picked leo.. after tat went to pick him up... erm.. something weird was... i saw a guy wearing in orange.. but both of them said NO... hai~~ waited for another da shao ye for ard 10 mins.. actually calling yun to join us.. but she cannot make it... hai~~~ again i kana suan... so sad.... sob sob... even talk on the phone also wrong... actually i wanted to drink... BUT none of them wants.. IDIOT!!!! sit there quietly and listened to them.. in the actual fact.. dun really understand wat they talking abt... HAHA!!! went back hm ard 2 plus.. my ah-kor send me up.. so gentleman sia.. hard to believe (hehe.. :P) not long after tat receive msg from my friend... He was stunned when i reply him.. "How come u haven sleep?" Did not tell him why... till the next day...

Tuesday.. went out with joanna, anton and his bunch of friends... haha.. like an international outing sia.. different countries.. went to watch "HOUSE OF WAX"... erm.. very grossy... took neoprint with jo... ended up i am in ORCHARD AGAIN... to play pool and watch movie.. seems like i everyday go orchard.. so sian...In the pool match... i lose... haha... dun want to listen to any advice.. too stubborn... lala...

Wednesday.. went to an interview at taka... in the afternoon went to another interview at enous... tot tat i will be at home cleaning up my room.. ended up... went out with rachel.. suppose to meet shing yee for dinner..but she cannot make it...we went to pacific coffee to chit chat till ard 6.. .after tat.. went to city hall to shop shop for a while.. and change destination down to ORCHARD... i am back to ORCHARD AGAIN!!!

**this whole week... i been to ORCHARD too many times.... NO MORE!!! Nothing to do!!! so SIAN!!!

Thursday, May 12, 2005

monday went for an interview at danzas... hai~~ seems ok lah.. but duno why...hai~~~ after tat came back hm and changed... went back to school to hand in my report... hai~~ maybe very attitude.. but nth can changed for how i felt for the past few days... ignore any comments... went to orchard with ah-han.. after tat went back hm.... the guys called me up.. and asked me to join them for bbq... erm.. stunned... a surprising bbq plus last minute..... too bad.. went out to have dinner to celebrate dad's birthday and mother's day.. after tat.. went to east coast to meet up with them.. have a great fun... and had forget wat had happened...

tuesday went to meet up with them to watch kingdom of heaven... i am late due to attending a last minute interview at joo chiat rd... haha... mummy accompany me wen over there... mummy girl?? hehe.. duno leh.. when i reached there... was already ard 3.45pm.. lolo.. the movie started at 4.15... hehe.. we went to purchase 6.15pm show.. due to nobody wants to be seperate plus... was third row.......... hai~~ erm... i duno whether am i concentrating the show?? or thinking of something else... after tat we went to have our dinner at scotts.... we back to cineleisure for pool games.. after our dinner.. erm... they opened two tables... both were quite far apart...table one got joanna, anton, anton's friend and me.. table two got winston, soo yuan, kevin and lifan's gf... erm.. dun really know how to play.. hehe..anton's friend teaching joanna... me... erm.. walked here and walked there...but luckily never lose.. hehe... been laughing thru the pool session... am i using tat to cover tat i am shy or am i crazy or perharps it was so funny... seriously... over there.. been hearing mandarin sad songs... erm... did let me recalls the past i had.......

asking me whether am i happy now or not.. i really dunno how to answer u.. bcos.. things happened so fast tat i couldn't even catch up with the pace.. sometimes i wondering am i helping pple or just tat i am too busybody... he had left me one month le.. it seems like so long... but.. actually is not long at all... is he in singapore or in shanghai?? i duno.. maybe i also dun wish to know.... hoping to see tat starbucks's guy who will make me smile again ba... otherwise... i also duno wat is happy... happy maybe is to earn lots of money... haha... taking a break... hai~~ tomorrow will be my third interview over there again.. so sian..dun feel like going anymore... if not success.. i think i will give myself one month break.. work for micky first.. then slowly go find for perm jobs... life isn't tat easy as i think.... just like wat senior and jiefu told me... LIFE IS NEVER FAIR...

Saturday, May 07, 2005

wow.. today very jialat.. walked whole day sia.. supposed to have an interview at IP at 10am.. ended up i am late.. hai~~ after tat went out with shing yee to shop... and accompany her to go sign her documents... after tat we went down to orchard... suppose to meet linda over there... but ended... she was too busy to help out for her sister to move house... shing yee and i went to for eyebrow trimming.. followed by accompany me to go find korkor at kallang mrt station..

as usual.. kor spot check my hp... hai~~ he saw the msg tat 'kk' msg me... wat to do.. everything burst out.. haha.. shing yee... gt to know i got 2 guys in my life... but everything is already OVER. he asked me to give me one more chance.. haha.. i guess no.. if he is more considered on tat day.. i will not dislike him so much.. maybe give each other some more time.. then we can be friends again ba... told kor abt wat had happened.. as usual.. kor always comfort me.. hehe.. went to kbox.. to sing thru all day.. i know he is trying to help me to vent my anger.. plus.. he knows tat i am sad... haha.... quite enjoyable.. plus he bake roti boy's gave me eat sia.. so sweet... lolo... :P sort of i am really happy tat he is still around... although he is not my brother... to me.. i had already regard him as my big brother.... after kbox, he went over to orchard to meet his friends.. while we walked to bugis to meet ester and ah-han...

we waited ard half an hour for ester n ah-han... lolo... shing yee bought a bag... then she went back home ard 7 plus... i carried on to shop with ester and ah-han.. we went to take neoprints.. hehe.. it seems like we had long time never come out together.. lalaa.. after tat went to brecko to talk crap... everyone been telling FORGET IT!!! maybe going to listen to them ba!!! just let go.. no point tat i carried on to pursue it... nothing going to change the fact..

Friday, May 06, 2005

haha.. nobody will believe tat i had contiune cried for the past two days... tears just roll whenever they like... but thanks.. yesterday got a few friends comfort me... light been helping me thru... today gary send me a gd nite msg... i reply him with a msg... haha.. he such a sweet guy... asking me wat happened?? hehe.. but when he found out wat happened.. then said i am silly.. why should i be sad for tat.. if kana reject by guy than u cried mah.. he arh.. i jio him out to drink... hehe.. so bad of me.. teach bad pple... but anyway just kidding.. i really to put aside everything.. there is nothing i can do now.... just flip thru my testimonial which i got from ANNIE WONG.. she wrote: "she is sweet-tempered, sociable and uncomplaining. she is also a mature and responsible person with an independent mind. Being courteous and sociable, she gets along well with her peers. she shows good team spirit and is willing to do more than others. " and etc...... maybe she was right ba.. thanks teacher... u really let me to step back abt wat i decide to do.. after read finish the testimonial.. i found out tat i never knew tat u understand me so well... Thanks to two Miss Wongs.. who had taught me through my secondary school.......

During this setback... i realise..i no longer close with jiefu.... and ......... Gary reminds me tat i still got a bunch of good friends.. hehe.. he is one of them... seriously.. a thanks to all of you...

Alvin korkor and your bunch of friends... hai~~ actually wat your friend said really make my heart melts sia... but i know he is kidding.. he just want to make me happy... i hope i will not cry anymore cos he dun allow me to drop anymore tears...

Monday, May 02, 2005

today went out with a bunch of friends... okie lah.. quite enjoy... went to catch the movie called "shikoku" such a boring show... after tat we went to marina square to have our dinner... follow with having dessert at bakerinn... and wait for my friend, bulldog, at merlion... we had a chat before we went back hm....... actually the whole bunch of us... not everyone can drink nor they liked to drink... only a few of us... hehee... there was one guy who encountered relationship problem... and needed our advice... i may tell him off and very striaghtforward.. i guess it hurt ba... but rather than he carry on to be "crazy" over her....

a few years ago... a gal might a guy on irc... didn't know tat this guy will be her so called "bf".... four of them were quite close at tat moment... two of them became couple.. while another two of them bcome very close friends.. the girl did had feelings toward tat guy... but she just dun dare to express herself.. is only another guy knew abt it... actually her parents did not object also... due to her mum saw this particular guy before.. this guy did a lot of stuffs tat make her heart melts... but i guess tat guy is kind in nature ba... he will did this to any other girls too.. they chat on phone every day and night... no matter where are they......the girl went for a short trip.. and she thought of him everyday when she was in aus.. is this called love?? when she started to work part-time alone... everytime after work.. he will be calling her.... it had been a habit to her.. she seems so attached to tat guy... but everything changes.... three years later.. they are no longer tat close... they had already seperated.... they had never start nor had an end before........ just tat a very silly gal is waiting for the whole situation to change... even though she started a new relationship.. she realised tat nobody can compare to this guy.. bcos he is so sweet towards her.. and couldn't forget him... she was just trying to work and numb away her feelings... she is still trying her very best to forget him... and get up again......

Sunday, May 01, 2005

finally i had completed my 3 years of studies at NYP.. now i am on my own.. except waiting for my graduation ceremony...i learnt a lot during these 12 weeks.. read a testimonial given by my friend... i had complaint a lot abt my supervisor.. but in deed i can said he was a very good supervisor.. he let me understand more stuffs and gain knowledge no matter is towards personality nor studies... actually he let me off to send in my application form to SMU... but sorry sir.. i give up... dunno why.. i just choose to back off.. maybe bcos of the fees nor... i think i most likely won't be able to get in.. at the very last day of the school... went to take pics with a lot of friends... such a memorable 3rd year...

first year.. seldom mixed around... 2nd year... same again.. 3rd year.. .during my FYP and attachment let me knew more friends and get a bit closer.. hehe.. last thursday went out with shing yee to look for jobs.. ended kana scold by rachel and went shopping at bugis... lolo... :P someone helped me to sign my attendance throughout the day....

it is fruitful 3 year.........hope i can pass well for my project ba..........

went to work part-time.. and today tender resign to my manager.. he had accept it.. no choice.. let down my hr department.. hai~~~ but....................................