Monday, May 02, 2005

today went out with a bunch of friends... okie lah.. quite enjoy... went to catch the movie called "shikoku" such a boring show... after tat we went to marina square to have our dinner... follow with having dessert at bakerinn... and wait for my friend, bulldog, at merlion... we had a chat before we went back hm....... actually the whole bunch of us... not everyone can drink nor they liked to drink... only a few of us... hehee... there was one guy who encountered relationship problem... and needed our advice... i may tell him off and very striaghtforward.. i guess it hurt ba... but rather than he carry on to be "crazy" over her....

a few years ago... a gal might a guy on irc... didn't know tat this guy will be her so called "bf".... four of them were quite close at tat moment... two of them became couple.. while another two of them bcome very close friends.. the girl did had feelings toward tat guy... but she just dun dare to express herself.. is only another guy knew abt it... actually her parents did not object also... due to her mum saw this particular guy before.. this guy did a lot of stuffs tat make her heart melts... but i guess tat guy is kind in nature ba... he will did this to any other girls too.. they chat on phone every day and night... no matter where are they......the girl went for a short trip.. and she thought of him everyday when she was in aus.. is this called love?? when she started to work part-time alone... everytime after work.. he will be calling her.... it had been a habit to her.. she seems so attached to tat guy... but everything changes.... three years later.. they are no longer tat close... they had already seperated.... they had never start nor had an end before........ just tat a very silly gal is waiting for the whole situation to change... even though she started a new relationship.. she realised tat nobody can compare to this guy.. bcos he is so sweet towards her.. and couldn't forget him... she was just trying to work and numb away her feelings... she is still trying her very best to forget him... and get up again......