Wednesday, September 21, 2005

erm.. nothing much happened nowadays.. but i am going to start to do my first survey form.. wahahaa.. alamak..can u imagine someone who dun like programming stuffs to work in an IT firm... i dunno.. i guess everything is being fate.. i guess someone had already path out my life for me. When i was so aimless, don't know what to do. Going to agency to look for jobs and working part-time for my ex-boss. Someone called me down for an interview. Yeah, i got that job after not long after tat interview. There it start my IT work life.. it is hectic when there are lot of projects on hand. Currently i am still very new, therefore there isn't that much of projects for me to handle.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Your Soul Number is FOUR.

Responsible, conscientious, and rather serious, you expect to work for what you want in life, and you don't appreciate frivolity, laziness, or inconstancy in other people. You have a strong sense of duty and you need to be productive. You are very capable in practical affairs and may have mechanical abilities.

A well organized, structured, disciplined lifestyle appeals to you and you prefer security to excitement and surprises. You love tradition and don't question the conventions, rules, and methods you were brought up with. You think in clear, simple, practical terms and are honest and square in your dealings with others. Basically conservative, you may distrust the unfamiliar and anything you feel might threaten your orderly and peaceful existence. You never take risks unless you have laid a firm foundation for success. You may lack imagination and the desire to learn new ways. Also, you do not allow yourself to relax and be carefree often enough. Part of the reason for this is that others depend upon your practical abilities so much that when you do have free time, you may find yourself fixing someone's car, helping a friend with their taxes, or doing some other chore. Try to avoid becoming a workaholic. You deserve to play sometimes too!

***i agree.. i cannot sit there doing nothing.. but others.. shall let u guys to decide and let me know..

Sunday, September 18, 2005

yesterday been staying in office until quite late.. surprising.. almost everyone OT till ard 7 plus.. but i ended in office until 8 plus. Got to finish some stuffs, in case monday i can't take it or i going to be the slowest person to pack up. We planned to go for tat Nokia Starlight Movie.. wahaha.. :P Furthermore tat was the movie i wanted to watch but nobody want to accompany me.. sad sia.. i so friendles.. must find me more friends to accompany me to watch movie.. hehehe.. ;) After tat went back home for dinner.. then ard 10 went out again.. luckily daddy sent me there, arbo ester going to arbish me liao.. met her for a drink, it had been a long time tat i met her. She brought me to this cafe iguana where she got drunk.. hehee.. erm.. seriously, i think i got a bit blur out after having my second drink but i always had ziying's word in mind.. therefore i am fine.. lol... but the drinks there are expensive...

today went to work part-time.. erm.. am i crazy?? i only had 2 days of rest last weekend.. now i burnt out my weekend.. hai~~~

My parents been asking me to ask him to come to my chalet. But i guess u guys will be disappointed. he won't be attending my chalet... haha.. so dun ask me why or who.. i had already tried to tell him, but i got no reply from him.. so.... we shall see when he thinks he want to come ba... probably i guess he won't be there..

Nowadays i seems like to watch a lot of korean series drama due to my mum n my granny.. alamak.. i catch every monday n tuesday.. now i fall in love with another one which is still showing in SCV now.. on every sat 10.30pm.. so cute.. i had finish watching tat da chang jin las weekend but i haven watch the last espisode.. cos my mum return to her friend liao.. sian..

Saturday, September 17, 2005

never been blogging since last sat, this week been flying over so fast, tat i couldn't even catch whole of myself.

Last Sunday, went to Soo Yuan's chalet at East Coast. My shifu aka turtle, wake me up so early at 12pm, arbish *_*!! I feel so tiring yet they did nt go cycling at all! *-* But we did went for a bowling session, i score 117 for the first match. The second match was terrbile, it shows tat i dun have passion to do things. I only like it for a while, and give up after tat moment. haha.. =p This gives me the feeling of having a chalet for my 21th birthday. After considering all factors, i decided to have to chalet for my birthday. BUT dun be extreme happy/unhappy abt tat, i had nt book the chalet yet. Still remember a few years back we celebrate his birthday at swensen, now he is turning 21.

hehehe.. :P

Monday, been rushing finish it up the project on hand with my colleague for the whole day... But again we went to CAFE DEVINE for lunch.. erm.. considered ok lah.. after having lunch for so many times at there.. There was a client over there with us, i realise tat my communication need to brush up plus my english.

Tuesday, again working on the same project. But i guess a few more weeks or few more months later, you will see my second workpiece. You shall be able to comment about it. It takes a lot of time and effort to finish it up, i just helped out a bit here and there.. wahaha...

Wednesday, went lunch with my friend and shop for a while before returning back to office. Guess what?? There are changes for my second workpiece. Wow.. so long.. but the art director praise us. He said overall it was good. I feel so overjoyed. This is the second time me and my shifu team up to finish up one project. Wahaha.. :P
After work, i went to meet kelvin, winston and soo yuan for dinner. AGAIN i went to burger king. erm... i just had it for lunch.. but never mind.. since the guys will be going back army soon.. i shall nt be tat picky and have tat again. After tat we had a sudden thoughts of going East Coast for Coffee. I stunned... I never tot tat those guys will be tat spendrift as i do. We went Coffee bean and i tried out the white chocolate vanilla, it was nt bad. Guess what?? We spend almost 2 hrs there.. helping kelvin to prepare for his army life soon..

Thursday, i went for my course after my work. At first, i tot my colleague will nt be attending it. She thinks it was very rush for her bcos she need to go for driving and she got tons of things to do.. so.... nobody going to accompany me. Surprise... She asked me wat am i going to have for dinner? Erm... Yesh!! she is going with me.. hehe.. Ok lah.. break my promise.. and therefore this week had to work hard to keep my promise..

Friday...... shall contiune at nite.. otherwise my boss will yelled at me later.. ;) tata...

Sunday, September 11, 2005

haha.. yesterday i went to eski pub.. erm.. ok lah.. nt very cold.. order a drink called bubble gum.. wahaha.. my friend said just like me.. so bubbly.. bleh.. dun vomit out arh.. guess i am back to normal le.. i talked to him last afternoon.. asking for my 21th birthday present.. hehe.. he asked me go batam to celebrate.. wahaha.. :P i really dun mind.. if u are going to bring me there.. but i know it is impossible.. pple been asking me whether do i still miss u.. guess i am already half way through.. these few months.. met a lot of new pple.. and learn a lot of stuffs that i couldn't find it in school... erm.. btw.. after going to eski.. we went ms... lol.. :P tat boss came to talk to us sia.. but inside gt a lot of ang mo... he came forward and ask me.. are you ok? erm.. i was like.. i am fine.. wahahaha.. jil kept asking me go back home.. bleh.. :P i am fine... lalalalalalaal...

today actually wanted to go ah-beng chalet.. but ended i went to met up with peggy and carina for dinner at tampines.. alamak.. again at tampines.. i been at tampines for the past few weeks.. hai~~~ AGAIN i had billy bombers for dinner.. alamak.. i had tat last few days ago... from wednesday till sat.. nothing seems cheap...
billy bombers --> thai express --> thai food --> billy bombers --> BBQ food..
hehehe.. i can predict wat i am going to have for tomorrow.. BBQ food.. lol.. so long never had it liao... actually today wanted to go out to celebrate ester's birthday but.. never go... otherwise.. i will really knock out.. cos till now my stomach still feel really painful...

Friday, September 09, 2005

this week been great... i finally finish my vol project and i back in office.. wahaha.. :P finally got a chance to work in office.. hehe.. :P

for the past few days i went to billy bomber and thai express for lunch.. wahah.. i spent almost 2hrs for my lunch break..but i am broke now... today i went to thai food again.. hehe.. but it was nice.. i like it so much.. wahaha... :p

btw.. i went to watch herbie already... not bad.. quite funny...

yesterday course was ok lah.. not tat boring.. get to know more pple.. :P we make a promise.. if within 3 mths, we never acheived wat we had promised.. i will have to treat them.. but if he is going to promote again.. he shall treat me makan.. wahhaa.. let me think of something expensive... lalaa... his pay is so much higher than me... so i guess it would be find lah... lalalalaala... 3 mths later, we will know who win who lose... bleah.. :P

tonite.. my colleague.. wanted to bring me to that ice pub... wahaha.. :P shiok sia....

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

my life been going ups and down which i couldn't really handle well.. Last thursday i went to attend the second part of my course. Could i really untie my knot? Tat knot seems like falling deep inside a well. I realise something.. if i dun practise what i learned during that 3 days, the power i had will lose in any minutes.

been very busy for the past 3 weekends, do nt really have time for anything else.. but last sat, i managed to seek permission to leave early but ended up i still went off ard 10pm.. Went down to orchard to meet my friends for a birthday celebration. Out of surprising.. i couldn't flag a cab at lavander or bugis.. Can u believe tat taxi drivers do not want to stop for me.. hai~~ i am late... they will all waiting for me.. i feel so paiseh.. hehe.. but touch sia.. they never abandon me.. hehe.. again!! i did something stupid.. put some fresh cream on my friend's face.. lolo.. shifu.. hai~~~ bcome cream shifu.. who asks him accompany us to go washroom to wash hands.. ended up kana sabo by me.. this weekend.. although i am not working.. got two chalets going on....... erm... still considering.. everything for me now is like all pending.. let me have a break first ba~~

the most scarliest thing for august was tat... i got friends birthday which are contiunously... 26-gx, 27-jil n gary, 28-suicheng, 29-kevin, 3rd sept-soo yuan, 5th-ester... omg...