Friday, September 09, 2005

this week been great... i finally finish my vol project and i back in office.. wahaha.. :P finally got a chance to work in office.. hehe.. :P

for the past few days i went to billy bomber and thai express for lunch.. wahah.. i spent almost 2hrs for my lunch break..but i am broke now... today i went to thai food again.. hehe.. but it was nice.. i like it so much.. wahaha... :p

btw.. i went to watch herbie already... not bad.. quite funny...

yesterday course was ok lah.. not tat boring.. get to know more pple.. :P we make a promise.. if within 3 mths, we never acheived wat we had promised.. i will have to treat them.. but if he is going to promote again.. he shall treat me makan.. wahhaa.. let me think of something expensive... lalaa... his pay is so much higher than me... so i guess it would be find lah... lalalalaala... 3 mths later, we will know who win who lose... bleah.. :P

tonite.. my colleague.. wanted to bring me to that ice pub... wahaha.. :P shiok sia....

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