Saturday, September 17, 2005

never been blogging since last sat, this week been flying over so fast, tat i couldn't even catch whole of myself.

Last Sunday, went to Soo Yuan's chalet at East Coast. My shifu aka turtle, wake me up so early at 12pm, arbish *_*!! I feel so tiring yet they did nt go cycling at all! *-* But we did went for a bowling session, i score 117 for the first match. The second match was terrbile, it shows tat i dun have passion to do things. I only like it for a while, and give up after tat moment. haha.. =p This gives me the feeling of having a chalet for my 21th birthday. After considering all factors, i decided to have to chalet for my birthday. BUT dun be extreme happy/unhappy abt tat, i had nt book the chalet yet. Still remember a few years back we celebrate his birthday at swensen, now he is turning 21.

hehehe.. :P

Monday, been rushing finish it up the project on hand with my colleague for the whole day... But again we went to CAFE DEVINE for lunch.. erm.. considered ok lah.. after having lunch for so many times at there.. There was a client over there with us, i realise tat my communication need to brush up plus my english.

Tuesday, again working on the same project. But i guess a few more weeks or few more months later, you will see my second workpiece. You shall be able to comment about it. It takes a lot of time and effort to finish it up, i just helped out a bit here and there.. wahaha...

Wednesday, went lunch with my friend and shop for a while before returning back to office. Guess what?? There are changes for my second workpiece. Wow.. so long.. but the art director praise us. He said overall it was good. I feel so overjoyed. This is the second time me and my shifu team up to finish up one project. Wahaha.. :P
After work, i went to meet kelvin, winston and soo yuan for dinner. AGAIN i went to burger king. erm... i just had it for lunch.. but never mind.. since the guys will be going back army soon.. i shall nt be tat picky and have tat again. After tat we had a sudden thoughts of going East Coast for Coffee. I stunned... I never tot tat those guys will be tat spendrift as i do. We went Coffee bean and i tried out the white chocolate vanilla, it was nt bad. Guess what?? We spend almost 2 hrs there.. helping kelvin to prepare for his army life soon..

Thursday, i went for my course after my work. At first, i tot my colleague will nt be attending it. She thinks it was very rush for her bcos she need to go for driving and she got tons of things to do.. so.... nobody going to accompany me. Surprise... She asked me wat am i going to have for dinner? Erm... Yesh!! she is going with me.. hehe.. Ok lah.. break my promise.. and therefore this week had to work hard to keep my promise..

Friday...... shall contiune at nite.. otherwise my boss will yelled at me later.. ;) tata...

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