Sunday, September 11, 2005

haha.. yesterday i went to eski pub.. erm.. ok lah.. nt very cold.. order a drink called bubble gum.. wahaha.. my friend said just like me.. so bubbly.. bleh.. dun vomit out arh.. guess i am back to normal le.. i talked to him last afternoon.. asking for my 21th birthday present.. hehe.. he asked me go batam to celebrate.. wahaha.. :P i really dun mind.. if u are going to bring me there.. but i know it is impossible.. pple been asking me whether do i still miss u.. guess i am already half way through.. these few months.. met a lot of new pple.. and learn a lot of stuffs that i couldn't find it in school... erm.. btw.. after going to eski.. we went ms... lol.. :P tat boss came to talk to us sia.. but inside gt a lot of ang mo... he came forward and ask me.. are you ok? erm.. i was like.. i am fine.. wahahaha.. jil kept asking me go back home.. bleh.. :P i am fine... lalalalalalaal...

today actually wanted to go ah-beng chalet.. but ended i went to met up with peggy and carina for dinner at tampines.. alamak.. again at tampines.. i been at tampines for the past few weeks.. hai~~~ AGAIN i had billy bombers for dinner.. alamak.. i had tat last few days ago... from wednesday till sat.. nothing seems cheap...
billy bombers --> thai express --> thai food --> billy bombers --> BBQ food..
hehehe.. i can predict wat i am going to have for tomorrow.. BBQ food.. lol.. so long never had it liao... actually today wanted to go out to celebrate ester's birthday but.. never go... otherwise.. i will really knock out.. cos till now my stomach still feel really painful...

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