Saturday, April 29, 2006

As usual a week had past.. time past so fast tat i couldn't remember wat had happened in the past... is that the truth?? hahaa.. last sunday had a long chat with senior till late morning ard 4 plus?? his words is still inside my mind which led me landed with not enuff sleep for the the first day of the week plus monday blues~~~

Senior : "You will nt forget the person when u kept talking abt him. I will know when u finally forgotten everything then it will be the time i tell u the truth. Even if u know the truth now, it will make you feel more worst."

As usual, i work till late nite... Boss told me "I want to do a review with you." Erm.. guess tat was not a gd idea as i dunno wat kind of nonesense i will said it out.. wahahaa.. But guess she saw us that busy, she had also forgotten she had a date with me to do my review. After work, i met naggy for movie. Guess it was pretty kind to wait for me for so long at central. Although he knocked off at 6.30, he had loitering ard till 9pm to meet me for movie. Plus maybe i force him to watch the movie ba.. When i am watching the movie, guess things been floating in my mind.. or maybe i nt sleep.. As usual... tears dropped.. guess naggy didn't know that i cried... i didn't take out any tissues... just let tears dry by its own.. I hope to be as strong as maria... After kelvin told me at After 8 was quite a good movie, been wanting to watch and FINALLY i managed to catch the show on Monday. Naggy actually suggesting to take cab home, but i choose not save money.. cos nowadays always OT and it led me to take cab home so often.. OT allowances bcome cab fare.. hai~~~~~

Tuesday.. had a long day... erm.. did i work OT tat day?? guess not.. i left office pretty early.. plus i am so tired.. but when i reached home, hehee.. feeel so awake... of cos i went online to play my pangya..

Wednesday.. my ex-friend been disturbing me nowadays to ask me to be his stead.. haha.. tat's funny... bcos i know him for too long le ba... plus we are nt suit for him.. Guess wat i will reply him ba... lol.. :P

Thursday... OT!!! Actually planned to hagen daz to have chocolate fundage.. haha.. guess i really need to vent everything out.. otherwise i will go crazy soon...

Friday.. went to Yishun for comsic bowling.. guess wat.. we left office ard 9... hahaa.. wat kind of bowling is this?? luckily managed to solve a bug before i left office.. but had to try it out on monday again.. hahaa... not to mention.. i share cab home with my boss... hai~~ of cos we had a chat in the cab... she said i am lucky to participate in this big .Net project. Seriously, she is quite true.. This is a very big .Net project. I can learned a lot of things from here.. she always pursed me to go for further studies.. don't just stop here... i must carry on.. and she hopes tat i can be more independent in work.. although my colleague is back frm taiwan but i still must take all the modules currently on hand.. and he will ignore me.. let me grow on my own unless i am in deep shit!!! hahaa.. when will all this end?? will i still contiune my contract or i will choose to further study?? hahaa... i went to apply SMU!!! After thinking tat my results wasn't tat good.. guess they will not accept me also.. boss asked me.. "Did u went to apply this time round?" Sorry.. didn't mean to tell lie... My reply was no... As my boss is graduate from NUS!! While NUS and SMU both are using different teaching method.. NUS is more on theory while SMU are more towards practical..Guess sooner or later, i will receive letter to reject me.. hai~~~~~ is ok... i dun mind le.. getting into this project, is one my achievements.. As i know this is one of the largest project in Asia, and i did benefits a lot although i did not had good basic.. Glad to know all my colleagues...

Had a quarrelled with naggy last nite on msn. He said i am very indecisive.. But i guess he is more worst than me. Being kind enuff, i asked him want to buy shaw tickets which is selling at 7.50 each and valid for a year. Guess wat his reply.. "dunno.. i had to wait for them to come back and decide.. " hai~~~ i am asking you not asking them. The tickets u can just buy and keep for one year, if u like it or just reject the offer. Guess this teaches me a lesson nanny is no longer the person i know!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE DUN DISTURB PPLE WHEN HIS GF IS AWAY!!!!!!!! ONE WORD FOR NANNY "!@#$%^&*()*(^%$#@$%^%#@$%^&#$%!@#$%$%". Didn't ask anyone for tat offer also.. i tot since he is always so nice to me.. so maybe can help him to save a bit of money when he go on dates.. but ended up "@#$#$@#$@#$@#$#$#$#$#$$%$#%@#@#$@"... so FED UP!!!!!!

Guess tuesday, i go back office and try my luck to buy some tickets for myself.. YY if u all want, leave me a msg on tagboard ba.. i try to check whether is there any tickets left.. actually wanted to go back to office to work today but cannot wake up... hehee.. :P

SHAW tickets..
Price : $7.50
Valid till : 1 year from the day
Day : Any day of the week

erm...i am just doing a kind deed... so in case u all dun want to buy.. PLS DO NOT @#$%^@#$@#$%^. I Will nt accept any apologies or any idiotic trying to vent anger on me. DUN THINK U ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO IS IN THE BAD MOOD!!! I ALSO IN BAD MOOD LEH!!!!!!!!!

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