Sunday, April 23, 2006

hai~~~~~ dun udnerstand why i like to sigh so much nowadays... but something i can find it out from my own behaviour.. is that i CHANGED!!!! i had bcome more and more out of mind..

Monday, Tuesday... been working OT as usual my colleague accompany me.. hahaa.. now my boss thinks tat when i am going..she will be going also.. or she will be going ... i will be going also.. didn't get to be so close with her last time.. when she joined my team than we know each other better..

Wednesday... guess she is getting more and more accept that when i did not have enuff sleep, i will bcome very high... erm.. tat's wat she been telling me.. and controlling me.. wahahaaa... :P Imagine that day.. three of us decided not to work OT and go off earlier.. one of my colleagues came down to find us to go out for dinner.. guess we had create a mess out of the room, tilll my boss said "Girls, tamn down a bit... is a bit noisy here.. " lol.. :P there we go... CRAZY~~~~~ we decided to go for crab... One of them suggest Dragon Gate at Habourfront. On the way to decide where to head for dinner, my the other colleagues said "There dun have crab.. ". It did change our thinking, wat if there is no crab? In the end, we still choose to go there... When we reached there.... we stand at the entrance pondering very long.. are we sure we want to go in? are we sure we have enuff money to walk out of the restuarant? are we going to wash dishes there? hahaa.. all the above are rubbish.. we stepped in and ordered 17 dishes in abt 1 and half hour time.. hahaa.. guess we are big eaters.. or bcos we are too stress or i am hiding my sadness?? hahaaa... after that.. i be very frank.. i tell them that i went to mos last thursday.. erm.. one of them had the kick of going to mos since is ladies nite.. hai~~~ we really create a fool over at the restuarant and in the train.. seriously tat day was fun... we headed to clarke quay after the meal.. though tomorrow need to work.. we still got the energetic to walk ard clarke quay to choose a pub.. and drink.. in the end, we headed to crazy elephants.. i order vodka martini.. my two colleagues ordered... sex on the beach and fruit punch.. erm.. mine was a bit too strong. .dare not to do wat i had done in mos.. just to drank finish without thinking.. otherwise.. i guess i will landed in a drunk state as i had never tried this before.. ard 12 plus we took cab home...

thursday.. jialat.. all of them know we had a redevenous dinner last nite.. haaha.. and we went pub.. all of them said we never jio.. hahaaa... seriously tat day didn't work really tat hard.. as mind was not really in a clear state.. bleah... was waiting to go for lunch.. during 11 plus.. went to take a packet of nuts frm kim.. tat day... i need to go to sizzler again due to boss set there as farewell lunch for two of my colleagus.. hai~~~ haven finish digest wednesday dinner... going to head for buffet again.. jia lat.. guess wat... i met kim there.. wahahaaa.... tried the spicy chicken.. it was gd... tat day was damn sleepy sia... not to mention.. we worked OT that nite again.. after work... we planning to go ms to eat cake... hahaaa.. :P in advance to celebrate my colleague's 21th birthday.. in the end, we left office ard 9.30.. guess it is too late le.. we head to city hall, bakerzinn... ordered 3 different desert and share.. jia lat... we really eat too much le...

friday... finally get my two sirs close after my boss urged me to call the users as often as possible to close it asap... seriously mentally and physically are collasping le... lol.. :P i met yy and shifu for dinner.. as usual i am late... hai~~ bcos of my user had a meeting at 5.. and it last till 6.20.. futhermore, i had to went up to her and pursuade her to close off the sir.. otherwise my boss will be come and msg early in the morning .... erm.. to prevent all this happened... i choose to be more persistance to ask her to close off.. wahaha.. shifu they all waited for me quite long.. actually i tot go marina square and have dinner.. next expect tat.. we ended up at harbourfront again... once again, i had the same kind of dinner again.. while this time round is different.. we had ... 25 dishes.. for the same price... omg... really too full le.... next we walked to sentosa... hahaa.. never pay entrance fees also.. and board a bus to silso beach... trying to walk t palawana beach but realise it was too dark... choose another alternative is to walk to silso beach.. while.. nothing much over there.. and it was quite late.. we toook bus back to terminal and board bus back to mainland... run all the way to catch the last train to head for a tea session at bedok.. hahaaa.. guess bcos of me.. both of them stayed to quite late.. erm.. guess a lot of them are surprised tat dramatic changes i had during these period... or maybe i scare them off.. just like my gd friend been asking me out for dinner.. but he can't make it on tat day.. .

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