Monday, April 17, 2006

guess i had close down my blog since he passed away... erm.. how long had i took for this time round? seriously i got no idea how long had i took.. time passes everyday while i thought i had a very long period of resting.. erm.. next tot tat the resting period was so short.. last few weeks been numbing myself in work... not to mention the coming days, i will get more and more busy until it had bcome more stable.. took a four days long leave and slightly more a bit, landed myself with tons and tons of work to finish work.. seriously, went i went back to work.. i almost been working ot everyday only till abt one thursday evening, i went orchard with kim.. Try the mango that she recommend me, it was pretty not bad.. plus i bought a lot of breads tat day.. on the way home, kim got a call from carina.. we had a date to watch running wild on friday nite.. although boss dun want to give me a tough period after seeing how down am i for the past few days, i trying my best.. to finish up stuffs on hand... erm.. but time just doesn't stop for me nor them.. management gave us a very short dateline to finish stuffs on hand.. guess i am old enuff, dun let them to have a hard time and delay everyone work.. work damn hard on friday, till i almost miss the movie.. i miss abt 10 mins of the show.. after the movie, we took cab home.. roughly reached home ard 2 plus... sob sob...

actually the next day wanted to go guang ming shan to do tomb sweeping.. but i need to go back to office to finish my stuffs. coincidently, my auntie need to go back to work also... wondering is it bcos my grandpa wants me to go? that's why my aunt need to work on that day... hai~~~ boss gave me a very 'early' morning asking for my status update.. asking whether am i ok or not?? how come i never email him update at all?? hai~~~ maybe he scare i will collaspe again or cried again or breakdown again.. bcos it was very scarely when i cried and work at the same time.. maybe last friday i shouldn't had gone back to work.. of cos tat day, i stayed in office until 5 plus.. really going to bcome panda le..

sunday, i went to guang ming shan with mummy.. daddy can't go due to he just lost his father.. reached there ard 2 plus.. due to he come back late to fetch us.. hai~~~ when i reached there, sad to said i saw ............... going for ceremate... hai~~~ of cos my mind been floating with other stuffs... maybe we and my grandpa ties are thicker, if i didn't remember wrongly.. i never saw anyone breakdown nor tears rolling down.. as recalled on that day, most of my cousins cried like mad... but my eldest cousin, he is the strongest... he looked after all of us and asked us dun cried le.. i admire him.. he never dropped any tears at all though he is close with him.. but definitely he feel very painful deep inside his heart.. bcos my grandpa brought him up.. he always brought us to swimming or go play.. or go pasir ris... hai~~~~ that day, my uncle brought up the story of my maternal grandpa.. of cos, i get to know more abt him..

Monday to Thursday, i had been working OT practically everyday and took cab home.. Erm.. got a colleague nt bad... she accompany me everyday..though she dun need to stay.. quite touch lah.. we went to have dinner at sizzler which is at toa payoh.. hehee.. had a full dinner due to we got coporate discounts.. wahahahaa.. :P erm... the day before bulldog msg me asking me to go ms to eat cake.. i was wondering is he crazy? hahaa.. tat day my phone was bombed by him.. and of cos just like my primary friend said as usual i am late.. when i reached there, i still couldn't believe tat i am going ms to have cake.. when i wanted to go back home, i called ed.. he pass the phone to bulldog.. he said.. organise this outing is for u leh.. diao... no choice.. i dropped off at newton just to take cab down to ms... hai~~~ no cab.. then take bus to orchard to take cab .. again no cab!!!! yy actually went home le.. but bcos of me.. she went down again`~~~ hai~~~ then i met her at clarke quay mrt station.. followed by taking cab down to meet them.. we feel so weird... i had been laughing throughout the whole journey.. i still couldn't believe that we are going there.... i drank quite a lot tat day... guess all of them know how i feel le.. cos tat day i spilled out everything.. before i went there.. shifu already called me and check on me.. see whether how am i le.. i called my gd friend to come and join us but too bad he already reached home le.. that nite.. after yy and bulldog left.. me, ed and one of my primary schoolmates... were standing there waiting for cab.. the most comical thing is that we are waiting for citycab bcos it is cheaper.. and in the end we miss 4 city cab.. hahaa.. rofl... we had our supper at joo chiat roti prata shop which nanny brought me there before.. ard 2 plus.. we walked home.. hai~~ when i am there.. my heels already spoiled le.. so i hurt my leg on the way home.. guess i fell asleep ard 4 plus... damn... i had to work on the next day though is public holiday.. erm.. gain something.. get to know my primary schoolmate better.. though we seldom talk when we come out... wahaahahaa.. not a bad guy.. quite a nice guy.. too bad.. let him see the down side of me.. aiya.. forget something.. bulldog had tell the whole world i am badly down.. hai~~~~~

good friday, i went back to work.. a bit bad tempered.. erm.. guess not a bit.. is very bad-tempered.. suppose to go back at 10.. i reached there ard 11plus.. hai~~ of cos my colleague accompanied me till 8 plus.. very sweet hor?? but when i tot of ytd how kevin bluff us.. i really want to laugh.. guess next time round.. nobody will dare to go ms to eat cake with him... he still dare to ask me to go there again.. when i am totally collaspe in physically.. after tat thursday long nite..

sat.. had a long rest.. suppose to meet my cousin.. but i am too tired to go out.. guess she was a quite angry with me.. but i dunno how to reject her.. as i had told myself.. no matter wat.. i tried to say yes to them.. hai~~~ in the morning, my gay friend msg me out for dinner.. lol... hai~~ nobody was free to go.. in the end, we cancelled le.. he said if got anything hor, just give him a call.. sweet hor?? even though he gt gf le, when he dun need to work on sat.. he will try to keep us accompany... or ask us out for dinner.. when we asked him out for dinner.. he will always said yes... but we felt guilty as he is working nite shift... hai~~~~

sun... met two friends for dinner.. of cos i won't miss the chance to eat sashimi.. so long never eat le... had a quite long chat with them ba... hai~~~~ sometimes i think tat even a xiao didi is much more stronger than i do... xiao didi thinks i need to go mph more often.. bcos last week he saw me was when i am very bad shape and almost cried in front of them.. then this week he saw me was like ok le.. but on the way home.. he tell me.. life is tat cruel.. just let go of everything..

at nite when i reached home, i went into friendster.. saw korkor pic.. suddenly miss him so much tat my tears dropped down le.. korkor changed le.. as usual.. he is still tat yandao... but now he is having more and more bfs... if last time i listened to him, will i still ended in such a situations? or i will find myself a better way...

in this funeral, i get myself to bcome closer with my cousins again.. today they msg me... asked me whether i want to join them for hongkong tour or not.. hai~~~~

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