Sunday, April 30, 2006

hahaa.. guess i create this post is bcos of NANNY.... erm... although the day before had a quarrelled with nanny.. BUT he did a kind deed for me... by helping me to lie to my parents and helped me to call home.. and tell my parents, i am catching a movie which will end at 2am.. Thanks nanny... for tat... hai~~~~ maybe should have understand tat u miss your gf.. tat's why u throw your temper at me.. but i dun like to vent anger at me.. GUESS U SHOULD KNOW TAT RIGHT!!!!!!!!! hai~~~~~~~~ sometimes i think tat nanny is GOOD but there are times he is VERY EVIL!!! or maybe i dun know this person well.. or so called i dun understand anyone who is ard me including myself...

today went out in the night time to meet a friend... instead joining a gathering at a friend's house.. guess i rejected my this friend for quite sometime due to my hectic working schedule nowadays... therefore there is no excuces for me to reject it again... i joined her for dinner and only when i joined her.. she will call along her other friends too.. met 1 girl and 1 guy.. while the girl left after introducing ourselves.. hahaa.. the guy is a bit weird... omg... hope tat he dun see this... anyway i meeting them next week for movie but do u think i can make it?? HAHA.. i might nt be able.. lol.. :P depend whether my boss allows me to go home tat early.. hopefully tomorrow it won't spoilt my plans for shopping.. I need to get a dress for boss wedding.. :P

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