Monday, April 28, 2008

Forbbiden Kingdom + Doomday

Both movies considered average but they had one thing in common, i miss the first 5 mins of the show~~


1st movie bcos we were enjoying our food at sushi tei and take our own sweet time to take bus to The Cathay.

2nd movie bcos i am wait for da shao ye~~ He was late~~~ so... haiz~~~

But i still prefer forbbiden kingdom~~ I met brothers ytd, cos one of them wants to buy PSP. Haha.. It really tempts me to get one too.. But is really going to make my wallet a big big hole. Therefore, i think i should not get one. In the end, i helped my auntie to ask for DS. But she did not get back to me asap, therefore i didn't help her to get it. Erm.. So this week should be going down to AMK to help her get it ba~~ So called this week, i am not considered free. Most of the days were already taken by people~~

Tml, i finally going to register for my studies~~ Opps.. If i cannot get it.. Damn ma lu~~ cos i told so many pple that i planning to go for further studies~~ Hahah.. u dun laugh at me, ok?

As for wed, i got a farewell dinner to attend.. Maybe follow up with ktv.. then a gathering with friends .. omg~~ is it possible to done within one nite? this question is consider as a question mark.. lol.. :P haha..

one of my gd brother.. he doubts that i can go futher studies.. cos he thinks i too playful and i can't stay at home de.. erm.. is that true~~ no lah~~ there are times that i stayed at home and be a 'fillal daughter'.

As for thursday.. i promise to go out with friends.. haha.. i doubt tat i can wake up that early for the day.. lol..:P wat i told them was.. not confirmed.. why? ton of work in front of me~~ and yet, i never worked OT ever since i changed company.. which means i did not work as ridculous as last time. Imagine last time i can worked until 4am de leh~~ dun siao siao~~ everyone around me.. know i confirm very late.. plus.. i always worked late.. plus etc... BUT i met a quite a number of kind souls over there.. last thursday, when i went back there.. can u imagine that i stuck for downstair for about 1 hour to chit-chat with my ex-colleagues~~ hehe.. if u asked me whether i miss there.. i can tell u.. yes.. i do miss there.. but bcos of friends and pple i met there except niao niao..

as for friday.. is time to act guai and stayed in office to complete some work~~ maybe will meet up with my ex-colleagues for dinner.. provided i got my pay~~ a bit broke now~~

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

omg~~ my wisdom tooth starts to give me signal~~

haha..Ever since two weeks ago, i had been eating quite gd food plus quite enjoyable life~~~

On the 10th, i went to a jap resturant located at Grand Plaza Hotel. The ramen there is bagus~ But pretty ex, without any sashimi, the bill come up to $230 plus for 6 persons. By right, is a treat from my cousin but ended up they spilt the bill excluding me~~ hehee.. not bad hor~~ but hor~~ it means my upcoming meal will be much more ex.. haha.. ok lah~~ my cousins they all seldom bully me de.. cos so called i as earning power not as strong as anyone there.. :P

11th, i went to have spagetties at IMM.. As usual, i had my black pepper chicken with lingeries~~ erm~~ not tat nice~~ furthermore, i didn't manage to finish it up~~
A friend asked me hw old am i? Pretty Surprise~~ He guessed my age~~ haha.. but in the end, i never tell him..

12th, i went holland v to have XO yu pian mee fen~~ haha.. nice nice.. i like the fried chicken wing~~ so called i am trying to bully that guy friend~~ u can only have one wor~~ then the rest split among us~~ wahaha.. ended up, i am being force to eat the second piece.. cos i quite full~~ pretty surprising.. trying to control not to eat so much especially at nite~~

hehee.. the most touching part~~ was i dunno how to go holland village.. i looked for one brother who stays near there.. His gf being very kind, asked me to take cab go there.. cos both of them dunno hw to walk from buona vista to holland v.. He referred me to another brother~~ ________________________________________ (to decode by yourself)~~ haha.. then i sms him~~ no reply~~ i started to scold him in my mind~~ bluff me de~~ haiz~~~but he called me and guide me almost half of my journey~~ hehee.. so touch.. xie xie~~ wo ai si ni le~~ haha... opps.. later will he faint when he saw this post? erm~~ i doubt that he will read my blog.. haha.. so should be ok lah~~ luckily i never walked there.. cos they were at the hawker centre waiting for me~~ heng~~

12th, 13th,14th:

i met up with my dearest brothers~~ haha.. so called two of them contiunous see me for three days.. another one for two days~~ guess they going to puke liao~~ keep seeing me~~ haha.. .

we went to have thai express, follow by starbucks~~ starbucks paid by brother~~ hehe.. :P

the next day, we went to eat chong qing huo guo at bugis~~ yummy~~~ :P but didn't really eat much~~ cos i was pretty unhappy tat day~~ i also couldn't remember why.. of them left first.. Brother A accompany me to walk to PS to take 36.. Haha.. had a chatted... hw come i bcome so close to him or so called when i bcome so close to him~~ last time we dun even talk at all.. but now~~ omg~~ i gt tons of rubbish..

tuesday.. we went to ichiban sushi for dinner~~ omg~~ sure got sashimi~~~ if i didn't remember wrongly, i never take photos there~~ haiz~~ wasted~~ damn~~ kana bully all the way~~~

Wednesday~~ home sweet home~~ really very shag~~~~

Thursday~~ i went to korean restaurant to eat~~ yummy~~~

Friday.. i tried popeye biscuit~~ hehee...

Saturday.. bring my mum, aunt and uncle out~~ accompany them walk walk~~~

Sunday.. Friend's birthday~~~ KTV celebration~~`

Monday.. HardRock Cafe at Orchard

Tuesday.. Sushi Tei~~~

wallet big hole~~ haiz~~

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Workaholic is coming back le~~

Wahaha.. Got my work schedule for the next 3 weeks.. Is time to start a brand new scratch project.. Nervous? Hahaha.. Seriously, i didn't really start a brand new project before. Now really start from scratch, furthermore, my boss given me a brand new challenge by giving me the hardest part to do.. -_-'' haha.. i wondering can i survive through this challenge or not. Guess my complaining is coming soon.. No complaint means life is coming to a dead end le.. Not right meh? If you dun get something out of your chest, you will keep on bother about it. Isn't that going to make you feel much more worst? Plus, i never learnt this in school nor at my previous jobs.. Wahaha.. Google going to be my best partner le... :P

I saw my photos when i am in my ex-company and current. I realise that i looks much more better compare to previous my old haggard look.. Haha.. Although korkor still thinks i looks terrible which means i need a brand new look~~ Haha.. I am still trying to work on that goal.. Hahaa.. Been saying for the past 6 years le.. Can i really do something it? I think i can, and i think is time.. :) I guess i really get him out of my head le.. lol.. :P Even my cousin thinks that i looks more cheerful now compare as previous.. Maybe some stuffs had already fade away, then human naturally will feel much more better.. Wahaha.. Is it time to look for something brand new? Haha.. I told someone.. Ugly ducking will not find her happiness de.. Guess now i am still fortune ba~~ I still got friends around me that are not attached, so sometimes they will still have some time to entertain me.. Wahaha.. :P Guess in the future, i must learn to be more independent le..

Wahaha.. Food photos coming up soon.. :P

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


After being threaten by Justin Fong for 21mins on phone..

This is being publish to make him happy.. but i was being force to do this..


hahaa.. it had been a long time that i ever go against korkor.. haha.. seems like this kind of feeling is good.. everyday i will receive phone calls from him.. hehee.. :P knows that he is doing well and happy... at least i know he is ok.. haven study until collaspe.. guess this tricks does works on him... lol.. :P so he can call me everyday.. asking me stop all those post.. it shows that he is back to normal.. haven being defeat down by the devils of exams.. :P wahahahahahahaa.. .

korkor.. remember my haagen daz ice-cream wor~~ jia you wor~~
dun always use K as an excuse to run away from reality.... now u know the truth le .. all depends on yourself le..

Thursday, April 10, 2008

I had changed already?

Erm.. i met korkor on last monday, did a stupid thing, accompany him to take bus from Parkway to Boon Lay. And from Boon Lay take 105 to Orchard and take 111 to City Hall just to take cab back home. Bcos i had miss last bus back hm.. ARGH~~ Tat day i really spend a lot of cab.. ARGH~~~ haiz~~ On the way, i msg brother.. Haha... Never knew that brother that take cares of me... Hahaa.. Really touch sia.. lol.. :X Haha... I will not disclose what i had told him for the past few days.. If you are reading this post.. I would like to said thank you.. Haha.. From someone who i not close at all to become my brother... I guess, u will still prefer that don't know me at all. I am such a troublesome person.. Lol.. :P Did a lot of silly stuffs in front of you too.. Hahaa.. Luckily, you never betray me... lol.. :P or u had betray me le yet i dunno... :X

From Parkway to Boon Lay, seriously if you are asking me whether i am happy during the journey. Since it had been a long time that you have met korkor. Haha.. I can tell you i am very pissed off during the journey. You asked me to come out is talk about your future not my past. The past that i had with him is already over. I really enjoyed the moments now that we all had separated. I am not going to stop at that point of the moment for three years. Seriously, these three years, had you really be with me, no.. Every time i meet you, you had changed my impression. I can tell you now.. Ya, i admit i never cherish him.. So? What can i do to change the facts? There is no way to change the facts le.. I had lose him, this is the fact. I believe both of us had lose this friendship away too. Both of you had given me a beautiful past memory. Let's stop digging out the past whether who treats who good.. who never cherish who.. Is already in the past. K is leading very gd now. I think i am also leading very gd now.. why still wants to pursue whether last time i never cherish k or not? i guess k and i dun wish to mention the past now. If can, we still can be friends but not that close anymore. I think i am big enuff to settle problems between me and k.

Sunday, April 06, 2008


haiz~~ 我亲爱的大哥哥。。 我没有想到你的一通电话把我的心情又搞乱了。。

haha.. in my past posts.. i did mention wat korkor did for me in the past.. will never occurs again.. but he did tat for me once.. tat time whenever i am sad.. he will be there for me.. haha.. holding the stupid phone and singing "习惯" while i am studying my chemistry mcq.. always pull me to burger king to study together with him before O level and coach me when i dunno... korkor.. u always encourage me.. u know a lot of stuffs abt me when i am young.. u always wants me to bring my bf to see you and let u approve first.. the very ba tao de da korkor.. everytime talking to u.. u will reminds me of him.. and gradually my tears will flow down.. my tears flow down is bcos of him or you.. i really couldn't recognize it anymore..

你们都是曾经很疼我的人,每当我需要你们的时候你们都会在我身边陪伴我。 可是每当你们需要我的时候我只会再那里唠唠叨叨的。。你们也让我伤心过。。 你们总是大男人主义。。 我开始慢慢的忘记你们,你们又让我想起你们。。 我真的很累。。 我以为我再也不再乎友情了,有就有没有就算了。 我被友情与爱情伤的好痛。。 我好不容易的逃出来,为何我又回去了。。 我讨厌你们。。 是不是你们的不幸认识了我。。 为何你们都走同样的一条路。。 难道你们还要我一直为你们流泪吗。。当一个选择的时候,他不肯让我说。。 他就决定了,我一直很后悔。。 我一只都觉得是我的错。。 如果当初大家都不认识彼此的话。。 会不会更好。。

korkor.. i wish time round i will be with you till u stand up again.. wo xiang xin wo bu hui zai dao le.. i dun want to lose u again.. i lose one gd brother enuff le.. he will never come back to me anymore..

haha.. i wondering lao da.. will notice tat my expression change on friday dinner.. or will i still be the one laughing there..

guess after this coming wk, i would like to take a break le..

my cousins asked me out for dinner tml.. at first, i didn't want to reply.. but my pattern will confirm go de.. after the call just now.. tml i going down hospital to find him.. erm~~ she said "try to come wor, i seldom will treat de." really very touched.. when i broke up with L.. i cried in arms before.. when i end my friendship with "K", i cried in her arms again~~ min arh min~~ when i lose korkor, i cried while holding the phone when i talking to "K"... hai~~

now leh~~ i cried when i blog lor.. nobody for me to su ku le.. :(

From East Coast to Changi Village

haha.. Am i crazy to join them to cycle from East Coast to Changi Village.. Guess nowadays i am more and more siao liao.. wahahaa.. :P

It had been a long time that i ever cycle.. Lao da keep saying "You stay so near, why you never come and use the facilities over here." Wahaahaha... :P My cousin also agreed with him.. haiz~~ stay so near also no use de mah.. i not tat independent leh.. hw arh.. jialat.. i must learn to be more independent? i guess i am over-protected at hm? but yet i always wants to act to be the strongest to look after my parents.. Guess that is considered as "act smart".

Before we went for the cycling trip, i already told my cousin, most likely it will going to be only four of us.. haha.. guess i can be fortune teller le.. lol.. :P ytd i almost met an accident.. but luckily i didn't really cycle that fast.. otherwise the van might knock down me le.. of cos during the cycling trip, i am the one that always kana suan de lah.. :P hahaaa.. "Stay so near, yet still late..." haha.. guess wo shi ming fu qi shi de late queen...

We practically cycle from east coast to changi village, once we reached tanah merah ferry terminal.. We turned back bcos it was raining heavily over at changi side. Therefore we didn't really take a break, i really cycle until my leg very pain sia~~ Hahaha.. Treat this as an experience ba~~ I am going for the cycleton at Paya Lebar in May.. Siao Cha bor le right? Never see me so hardworking before.. Haha.. Health getting more and more worst le, therefore need to cut down in-take.... (Da jie da.. u dun stunned or shock when u see this sentence..)

Practically i got 3 reasons why i need to do more exercise now..
1) i had bet with my friend before we went to aus.. i said that before he come back singapore.. i will be another person.. wahahaa.. :P he will be back next year jan.. hehe.. :P
2) Health getting weaker.. haiz~~ scare later bcome heart attack.. hw hw...
3) Go hk shopping.. :P
4) My gd pal going to get marry in nov.. Want to get myself a presentable dress to attend her wedding in Nov.. :P plus...
5) Need to save up for my studies and pay back loan ba~~

Wahaha.. got more and more excuses that i should shed down my weight.. :P haha.. will my dear be happy? haha.. we broke off le.. but still gd friends.. :)

After my cycling trip, i had my dinner at C Nai Hk Cafe.. Hahaha.. I went to the one at east coast. I only went to the katong branch with kel and sy on last sat for supper.. I ordered instant noodle again... Hahaha.. But this time round it turns to be much more better than the one i had at katong. This time round i had to finish it up.. (haahaa.. no other meanings arh.. cos tat time is kel helped me eat half de mah...) But lao da they all thinks the food over there, only so-so.. Omg.. Did i recommend the wrong stuffs again.. Or my taste bud getting more and more yucks le.. :( haha.. had a chat abt my hk trip... :) haha.. but one thing i am stunned.. lao da asked me a question.. "You liked winnie the pooh a lot hor?" Erm.. Why am i surprised by this question.. Pple who knows me so long.. should knows i very xiao hai zi de.. plus i like winnie the pooh.. otherwise i won't have so many winnie the pooh plush toys at hm.. haha.. But i only know this person or so called i met this person twice.. and he knows i like winnie the pooh.. haha.. My phone and ez-link card betray me.. but he only saw my ez-link card once.. so.. erm~~ i can conclude that this person is very detail person plus very caring and considerate person..omg~~ i only met pple twice.. yet i am giving him such a high scores.. haha~~

Erm~~ i had my stupid idea with me again~~ So called, i did a stupid thing last time.. I actually got asked him whether he wants to join us to hk or not.. haha.. but he ignore the questions.. i think he thinks that i siao liao.. lol.. :P i asked my friends also mah.. But none of my friends wants to go.. I asked brothers, one of them going in aug while the other one will thinks very weird, why should he go with my family members.. i scare later more and more complex... then it going to be very hard to explain~~ alamak~~ i dun have gfs meh? or bcos all my gfs attached le? or i much more closer with my brothers they all? haiz~~ Then i told my cousin.. i think lao da will be a gd choice.. Cos three out of five knows him.. easilier lah~~ then it will take care of us also mah.. plus he went there last year.. haha... wasn't that a brillant idea.. we shall see wat it going to turn out to be.. i doubt that he will wants to join us.. cos he might feel the awkward over there.. But i really thinks he can click with us.. Cos he and my cousins got common interest.. like photography.. wahaha.. then they can click together ba? hahaa.. stop stop.. i shall let my cousins they all decide..

ytd morning, i received a stupid msg from brother.. haaha.. quite sometime never see him le... hehe... did miss them a bit lah~~ cos they always been there listen to me.. :) hehe.. he always hear me complain abt my previous job.. hahaa.. but i also happy for him.. i thinks he patch with his ex-gf le.. :) haha.. both my brothers are attached liao.. less time for me le.. haiz~~ now i had to find my own entertainment program le.. :( but suan ta meng you liang xin.. sometimes will still sms me.. :P asks me when i free.. :P

Friday, April 04, 2008

10th July 04 as draft

在幾年前﹐有一位女生在網絡上認識了那一位男生。兩人能在茫茫人海中認識可說是一種緣份。從網絡的交談朋友到至今的好朋友﹐並非是一朝一夕就可以發生的。 兩人之間也一起陪伴着彼此度過許多難可能關。可能是男生對女生那種大哥哥的關懷讓女生永遠都會記上載心。因為女生從來都沒有遇過那麼好一位好的男生﹐無論是在學業‘金錢或精神上﹐男生總是默默地幫助女生。在女生最難過與傷心是﹐他總會聽者她的訴苦與安慰她。她對他真的有那麼心動了﹐可是他們只有純正的友情﹐只要動了真情﹐兩人的有遊友誼就會畫上句號。。。。 那一天女生在一時衝動發了一哲簡訊給男生。。 男生打了電話給她,你是不是大姨媽來阿.. 女生一聲不吭就把電話給掛上了.. 從那天起,兩人的友誼就畫上了一個句號... 時間慢慢的過去了,女生這一時才發現她不能失去他.. 因為他早已成為她心目中的一位非常要好的好朋友.. 一個可以給她依賴與鼓勵的好同堂... 很可惜,她再一時衝動之下毀了所有的一切... 當她開始後悔時,可能已經太過遲了,想再回頭都很難了.....

Hahaha.. i wrote this on 10th of July 04.. When i read it, my tears fall when i am in office..

guess is a personal experience or from storybook..