Sunday, April 06, 2008


haiz~~ 我亲爱的大哥哥。。 我没有想到你的一通电话把我的心情又搞乱了。。

haha.. in my past posts.. i did mention wat korkor did for me in the past.. will never occurs again.. but he did tat for me once.. tat time whenever i am sad.. he will be there for me.. haha.. holding the stupid phone and singing "习惯" while i am studying my chemistry mcq.. always pull me to burger king to study together with him before O level and coach me when i dunno... korkor.. u always encourage me.. u know a lot of stuffs abt me when i am young.. u always wants me to bring my bf to see you and let u approve first.. the very ba tao de da korkor.. everytime talking to u.. u will reminds me of him.. and gradually my tears will flow down.. my tears flow down is bcos of him or you.. i really couldn't recognize it anymore..

你们都是曾经很疼我的人,每当我需要你们的时候你们都会在我身边陪伴我。 可是每当你们需要我的时候我只会再那里唠唠叨叨的。。你们也让我伤心过。。 你们总是大男人主义。。 我开始慢慢的忘记你们,你们又让我想起你们。。 我真的很累。。 我以为我再也不再乎友情了,有就有没有就算了。 我被友情与爱情伤的好痛。。 我好不容易的逃出来,为何我又回去了。。 我讨厌你们。。 是不是你们的不幸认识了我。。 为何你们都走同样的一条路。。 难道你们还要我一直为你们流泪吗。。当一个选择的时候,他不肯让我说。。 他就决定了,我一直很后悔。。 我一只都觉得是我的错。。 如果当初大家都不认识彼此的话。。 会不会更好。。

korkor.. i wish time round i will be with you till u stand up again.. wo xiang xin wo bu hui zai dao le.. i dun want to lose u again.. i lose one gd brother enuff le.. he will never come back to me anymore..

haha.. i wondering lao da.. will notice tat my expression change on friday dinner.. or will i still be the one laughing there..

guess after this coming wk, i would like to take a break le..

my cousins asked me out for dinner tml.. at first, i didn't want to reply.. but my pattern will confirm go de.. after the call just now.. tml i going down hospital to find him.. erm~~ she said "try to come wor, i seldom will treat de." really very touched.. when i broke up with L.. i cried in arms before.. when i end my friendship with "K", i cried in her arms again~~ min arh min~~ when i lose korkor, i cried while holding the phone when i talking to "K"... hai~~

now leh~~ i cried when i blog lor.. nobody for me to su ku le.. :(

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