Monday, April 28, 2008

Forbbiden Kingdom + Doomday

Both movies considered average but they had one thing in common, i miss the first 5 mins of the show~~


1st movie bcos we were enjoying our food at sushi tei and take our own sweet time to take bus to The Cathay.

2nd movie bcos i am wait for da shao ye~~ He was late~~~ so... haiz~~~

But i still prefer forbbiden kingdom~~ I met brothers ytd, cos one of them wants to buy PSP. Haha.. It really tempts me to get one too.. But is really going to make my wallet a big big hole. Therefore, i think i should not get one. In the end, i helped my auntie to ask for DS. But she did not get back to me asap, therefore i didn't help her to get it. Erm.. So this week should be going down to AMK to help her get it ba~~ So called this week, i am not considered free. Most of the days were already taken by people~~

Tml, i finally going to register for my studies~~ Opps.. If i cannot get it.. Damn ma lu~~ cos i told so many pple that i planning to go for further studies~~ Hahah.. u dun laugh at me, ok?

As for wed, i got a farewell dinner to attend.. Maybe follow up with ktv.. then a gathering with friends .. omg~~ is it possible to done within one nite? this question is consider as a question mark.. lol.. :P haha..

one of my gd brother.. he doubts that i can go futher studies.. cos he thinks i too playful and i can't stay at home de.. erm.. is that true~~ no lah~~ there are times that i stayed at home and be a 'fillal daughter'.

As for thursday.. i promise to go out with friends.. haha.. i doubt tat i can wake up that early for the day.. lol..:P wat i told them was.. not confirmed.. why? ton of work in front of me~~ and yet, i never worked OT ever since i changed company.. which means i did not work as ridculous as last time. Imagine last time i can worked until 4am de leh~~ dun siao siao~~ everyone around me.. know i confirm very late.. plus.. i always worked late.. plus etc... BUT i met a quite a number of kind souls over there.. last thursday, when i went back there.. can u imagine that i stuck for downstair for about 1 hour to chit-chat with my ex-colleagues~~ hehe.. if u asked me whether i miss there.. i can tell u.. yes.. i do miss there.. but bcos of friends and pple i met there except niao niao..

as for friday.. is time to act guai and stayed in office to complete some work~~ maybe will meet up with my ex-colleagues for dinner.. provided i got my pay~~ a bit broke now~~

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